ok so its rock paper siccors,but you can use anythingexamplerocklava beats rockwater beats lava,and so onil start,wood
i use obsidian to dull the blade.
YOU SHOULD HAVE BOLDED THE OBISDIAN!I use adamantium to show of how better than obsidian it is.
I use a aztec jaquer warrior to kick your butt!!
elaborate....since when does metal ore have a butt?
Oh..Send in the Spetnaz!!!
Even better Blacksmith inbound!
I use the sword that your blacksmith crafted to swishlashwhiplash you.
I use an metal melter to melt the sword (Yes,swords are metallic,aren't they?)
I use an anvil,"heater" and model to make a gun out of the metal this time.
i pull out a ****** crossbow that launches exploding bolts!
I stab spartandestroyer from back.
i use the razorback to electrocute marios2.
lets go zombies on you.... wunderwaff!!! (blows sparta away)
hey! i wanted to kill those spartans! (you blew sparta away but not me)
I scream SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!and your ears start bleeding.(eye used a scream,duh)
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