Basically like the game if you played.BTW,if you played the game,you won't have to read the intro.
All caps word =meaning at bottom
You are an ADEPT who has trained to fight dark forces.You are an ADEPT due to the GOLDEN SUN EVENT.This was created by the four LIGHTHOUSES' powers being put together.There are four ELEMENTS.Fire,Water,Earth,and Wind.These powers are also represented as planets.
Mercury=Water Jupiter=Wind Mars=Fire Venus=Earth
You have one of these powers,but you don't know what power you have.You are a descendant of the WARRIORS OF VALE.(Unless you're evil)These warriors have saved VALE from many tremors.A new evil force has arisen to destroy all in their path and take what they need and reach their goal.What is this goal?What do they want?Are you bad or good?Why am I asking these questions?You can only find out if you save VALE.Learn new skills,train yourself to learn more PSYNERGY powers,meet allies,collect DJINN,summon creatures to aid you,and save your land.
Vale:The reigon you were born in
Warriors of Vale:The heroes of Vale that saved the reigon
Lighthouse:The tower that contains the origin of an certain element
Adept:A person who has an elemental psynergy power
Psynergy:elemental power
Djinn:creatures that can be used in battle to turn the tides
Name: Age:10-20 Gender:M or F Side:Good or evil Hp:I decide Xp:0/1 Skills:I'll give you 1 after you sign up Djinn:none Psynergy:Jupiter,Venus,Mercury,Mars Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet:This wasn't in the game,but if you find a creature,you can tame it and it will evolve Party:none
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Gender: M Side: Good Hp: Xp: 0/1 Skills: Djinn: None Psynergy: Jupiter Inventory: Health kit, water of life Creature/ Pet: None Party: None
1. Is this good? 2. I've never played the game - or heard of it, for that matter -. So, you wrote the "golden sun event" and the "elements" in caps, but explained neither (even though the latter is quite obvious, lol, some information on that "event" would be appreciated, although, were I to guess, I'd say it's something like an eclipse, or some similar astral event). 3. There's an "Xp" stat, but not a "Level" one?
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Gender: M Side: Good Hp:11/11 Xp:0/1 Skills:whirlwind(damage range 3-8) Djinn:None Psynergy: Jupiter Inventory: Health kit, water of life Creature/ Pet: None Party:Tagael Jupiter LV.1 xp:0/1 hp:11/11
Golden Sun Event:when the lighthouses powers combined and formed a destructive explosion of psynergy
Elements:Basically psynergy
You wake up in the forest with an axe in your hand not knowing what happened.
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:I decide Xp:0/1 Skills:I'll give you 1 after you sign up Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury ( you sure this isn't neptune?) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet:This wasn't in the game,but if you find a creature,you can tame it and it will evolve Party:none
Name: Choronzon Age: 13 Gender: M Side: Evil Hp: Xp:0/1 Skills: Djinn: none Psynergy: Mars Inventory: Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: This wasn't in the game,but if you find a creature,you can tame it and it will evolve Party: none
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
A spring is in front of you and a haunted lake is behind you.You're in the city of Passaj,too.
Name:Choronzon Age:13 Gender:M Side:Evil Hp:12/12 Xp:0/1 Skills:fireball(Damage range 5-8) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mars Inventory: Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party: none
Your boss Blados has commanded you to go to a dark cave.
Name:Choronzon Age:13 Gender:M Side:Evil Hp:12/12 Xp:0/1 Skills:fireball(Damage range 5-8) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mars Inventory: Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party: none
I leave my current location, and start to head towards the cave.
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
i look around foh some wok btw i havnt played this yet so
Name:Choronzon Age:13 Gender:M Side:Evil Hp:12/12 Xp:0/1 Skills:fireball(Damage range 5-8) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mars Inventory: Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party: none
You see a figure in what looks like the entrance to the heart of the cave.You're then attacked by a bat!
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
A lady says,"Help! Help!" near the entrance towards a volcano.
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
She says,"I saw a magma golem!It tried to destroy me,but my husband sacrificed himself..."She starts crying."It did'nt exactly kill him,but brought him to its lair.I want you to get my husband back.PLEASE!!!"You then hear a rumbling noise from the volcano.
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
i respond by saying don't worry ma'am 'ill get him then runs into the belly of the beast the lair
Name: Hyrin Marn Age: 20 Gender: M Side:Good Hp:9/9 Xp:0/1 Skills:Aqua beam (damage range 4-9) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mercury(completely sure) Inventory:Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party:none
You see that the beast knows you're here since the lair is lined with two lava shapeshifters.
Name:Choronzon Age:13 Gender:M Side:Evil Hp:12/12 Xp:0/1 Skills:fireball(Damage range 5-8) Djinn:none Psynergy:Mars Inventory: Health kit,and water of life Creature/pet: Party: none