The war between the great sect of Shapers and Rebels has been on for 10 long years, many die and the rebels gain ground as the shapers fall back.
Shapers, powerful people who can control life itself, make monsters, plants and life. They keep their powers locked away only open to those whom they see fit, and rule over the land with an iron fist.
The rebels who want the wealth of knowledge to be shared and properly treat what they make as an equal creature. don't know who or what you are you just know your you, you wake up in a set of quarters one day, it is eerily quiet.....
Classes: Warrior: they are strong and can do much damage but have little ability in magic and are average shapers
Lifecrafter: You are a powerful shaper, but physically frail and rely on magic more than melee
Infiltrator: you are quiet, good with magic and weapons, but your shaping is weak since you are a lone wolf
Servile: you are a creation who rebelled and are one of the main foot soldiers, good with melee ok with magic, but also your shaping is weak
Shock troopers: you are the quick attack people, you have an above average shaping skills and ok melee skills, but are weak in magic
Sorcerer/ess: you are excelled at magic, but at the cost of your melee skills, your shaping is average
Name: Age: Physical Desc:at least 3 dPersonality: at least 3 Trait: i make two, one from each Class: Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: at least a paragraph, optional Perk: from bio i make
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, redneck Trait: i make two, one from each Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: his family originated from the place of Ukrainian/Russian origin. During the formation of the Russian Empire, his ancestors escaped and took on the name "Volkov" as many other escapees had to throw off the pursuers. they went to the land of shapers, hearing of their great accomplishments. along the way they fought off many other people for food, shelter, and also pursuers. This has made them physically strong. Perk: from bio i make
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, redneck Trait: i make two, one from each Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: his family originated from the place of Ukrainian/Russian origin. During the formation of the Russian Empire, his ancestors escaped and took on the name "Volkov" as many other escapees had to throw off the pursuers. they went to the land of shapers, hearing of their great accomplishments. along the way they fought off many other people for food, shelter, and also pursuers. This has made them physically strong. Perk: from bio i make
Redneck is not a personality
and there is no such thing as russia in Terrestria
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
joor loss
you leave to to find a servile right outside the door, "there you are, pacification fields broken. rouges around, they dangerous"
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: i make two, one from each Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: Tally: you present a large target for missile weapons, confidence: your creations and companions will have a longer duration of fearlessness in battle Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make'
you wake up in your quarters, your mind cloudy and hazed, but you do feel an odd sensation, why are you in the quarters of serviles, stupid creations meant for menial labor?? it's empty
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
you don't even know who you are, let alone make a creation
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: Tally: you present a large target for missile weapons, confidence: your creations and companions will have a longer duration of fearlessness in battle Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make'
i run out of there and look to see who put me there
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: Tally: you present a large target for missile weapons, confidence: your creations and companions will have a longer duration of fearlessness in battle Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make'
you go into the next room, also empty
you remember there is a small storage closet to the east where weapons are kept
Name:Rex Age:14 Physical Desc:Chitin Armor,blue eyes with tan skin and black hair Personality:cold-blooded,silent-type,smart Trait: i make two, one from each Class:Lifecrafter Sect:neutral ------------------------------------- Weaponsagger Armor:Wood shield, Chitin armor Misc.:none Money:0 Creations:none Spells:none Level:1 Exp:0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio:He was always creative with what he tried to make.He used to solve problems with his gift.He never knew what power he possesed since he never unleashed his potential.... Perk: from bio i make
wut part of rogues everywhere do you not understand
Rogue= creation gone mad, attempts to kill anything in it's way
ame: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: Tally: you present a large target for missile weapons, confidence: your creations and companions will have a longer duration of fearlessness in battle Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make
I go to the small storage closet to look for some weapons
Name: Vonto Volkov Age: 23 Physical Desc: Tall, muscular, short blond hair, leather gloves, copper helm Personality: aggressive, bold, confident Trait: Tally: you present a large target for missile weapons, confidence: your creations and companions will have a longer duration of fearlessness in battle Class: warrior Sect: neutral ------------------------------------- Weapons: none Armor: none Misc.: none Money: 0 Creations: none Spells: none Level: 1 Exp: 0/10 -------------------------------------- Health: 100/100 Armor health: 0 Energy: 100/100 Essence: 100/100 Conditions: none Bio: His family has survived many hardships of working on a far, thus resulting in their strong bodies. Vonto went on to learn sword fighting. Perk: from bio i make
you check and find on a table, Chitin armor, a bronze dagger, a wooden shield and a storage locker