ForumsForum GamesGeneforge, The War Continues

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The war between the great sect of Shapers and Rebels has been on for 10 long years, many die and the rebels gain ground as the shapers fall back.

Shapers, powerful people who can control life itself, make monsters, plants and life. They keep their powers locked away only open to those whom they see fit, and rule over the land with an iron fist.

The rebels who want the wealth of knowledge to be shared and properly treat what they make as an equal creature. don't know who or what you are you just know your you, you wake up in a set of quarters one day, it is eerily quiet.....

Warrior: they are strong and can do much damage but have little ability in magic and are average shapers

Lifecrafter: You are a powerful shaper, but physically frail and rely on magic more than melee

Infiltrator: you are quiet, good with magic and weapons, but your shaping is weak since you are a lone wolf

Servile: you are a creation who rebelled and are one of the main foot soldiers, good with melee ok with magic, but also your shaping is weak

Shock troopers: you are the quick attack people, you have an above average shaping skills and ok melee skills, but are weak in magic

Sorcerer/ess: you are excelled at magic, but at the cost of your melee skills, your shaping is average


Physical Desc:at least 3
dPersonality: at least 3
Trait: i make two, one from each
Sect: neutral
Weapons: none
Armor: none
Misc.: none
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: none
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 100/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 100/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: at least a paragraph, optional
Perk: from bio i make

  • 265 Replies
15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

yeh they are common objects

you open the locker with no effort and find there are 3 infused gems (crystals with magic inside them, once thrown the magic will come out to varying effects) a baton and some thorns (batons are creationss that shoot out the thorns, which are also creations)

then further in the storage room you see another lever but a blank wall with no obvious door

15,053 posts

third and final bump for players

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

Sorry, wasn't available for a little while.

I try pulling the lever, nevertheless, expecting a result to that action, at least, even if it is not opening a door.

15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

you open it up and.... you find a completely empty room with a small foot high container in the middle with a very thing glass top and has swirling iridescent goo in it. For some reason your really attracted to it, you feel the irresistible urge to break the top and dip your hand in it

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

Unable to resist (irresistable, you said ) it, I do what it takes to get to... touch the goo? Or whatever it is that I feel compelled to do.
Even if that involves breaking the glass to get to it.

15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyora (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

the whole point is to break the glass

you gently tap your palm on the top and the glass shatters, you dip your hand in barely. you feel yourself being...shaped, your whole body being re=worked and re-formed (you have learned create fyroa)

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyora (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

the whole point is to break the glass
Yeah, I knew that, I just... I don't know, felt like posting my actions like that.

Am I aware of my knowledge of this spell? If so, I try to test it out, by attempting to create... fyroa (you mention it's "fyora" in my Creation Spells, which one's correct?)?
If not, I go back to the servile and follow her to wherever she's going.

Actually, locace, are you getting bored or tired of this? I can understand the position you're in, and, although I'm willing to keep on with this RPG, I wouldn't want to have you do something you wouldn't want to do. If you wish, we could wait for somebody else to join, or let this die altogether.
If you don't find this tiresome at all, ignore all that rambling above.
15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: none
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyora (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 100/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

huh? no i'm not if i can keep up with 5 different RPG's i can keep up with two so i'm fine with this

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyora
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyora (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

You attempt to make one and you do, a fyroa is a large lizard-like reptile (on two legs) they can spit small globules of fire and bite very hard

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

I have the fyroa follow me and ask the servile "You said the fields are down, what has to be done to get them back up?."

By the way, what I summon serves me, right? And is what I summon temporary, or does it get to live until it dies from natural causes or in battle?

if i can keep up with 5 different RPG's i can keep up with two so i'm fine with this
Oh, OK, although what I had in mind was the fact that you only have me, currently, in this RPG. Not that I have a problem... anyway, let's not get back to that.
15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

yes and most creations live very long and are usually survive till death in battle (unless someone has a creation he likes and treats like a dog)

Oh, OK, although what I had in mind was the fact that you only have me, currently, in this RPG. Not that I have a problem... anyway, let's not get back to that.

hey my kind of rpg's aren't in style since good RPG players (like you) are short in stock most RPG's are the newb ones with newb players

any who she says "only a certain kind of servile can do that but i don't know where they are, but we have to reach the city, follow me"

as you get near the exit, there is something floating there, you feel it in your mind, like a faint glow there is something with faint magical powers

she then screams "The vlish is mad!"

the Vlish like a floating squid (but red) wails an odd wail and it's tentacles flail around until something starts glowing within them
2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

Worried that the servile and I might be in danger, I take no risks by charging at the 'squid' myself; I command the fyroa to attack it with its long range attack (the globules of fire), while attempting to shoot a Firebolt at it.

good RPG players (like you)
Thank you. Well, you're quite the RPG creator as well, though! I've noticed that you have started a few RPGs about various wars and other actual events that have happened. I bet those take some research, at the very least, which means you have to put some work in those RPGs.
15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

Thank you. Well, you're quite the RPG creator as well, though! I've noticed that you have started a few RPGs about various wars and other actual events that have happened. I bet those take some research, at the very least, which means you have to put some work in those RPGs.

pah most of the RPG's i make now about real wars aren't good, i used to search high and low for info on the soldiers in WW1,WW2,vietnam and the ones i made that weren't based on real events and wars i make up take even longer

The Mad vlish finally stops flailing and a swarm of creations from behind it come racing towards you, the fyora spits at the vlish and scorches it, then bites a crawler in half

you fire a fireball and miss but then two crawlers go for you

the servile then takes her dagger and uses it to implae a worm near her
2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

Since I am approached by crawlers, I resort to my trusty old dagger to kill them. After those two, if the rest of the enemies are in close range, I keep fighting them with the dagger. Otherwise, I try to shoot firebolts at them, from a safe distance.

Still, I have never joined an RPG of yours other than this one, and it's so far so good with you as the creator.

15,053 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyroa (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

you stab one crawler, the other you easily crush though you get a few small prickles

Also that was the rest

you fire another firebolt and barely scorch him the vlish wails madly as a more powerful glow comes from it's tentacles

then the doors to the exit fly a man who's face is darkened by shaper robes says "Enough!" he then casts a mighty spell that instantly incinerates all enemies. he looks towards you "and you" another spell that kills your fyora

he turns to the servile "You! you've caused enough trouble you will go to the city and await further orders"

she instantly looks sub servant, bows and walks away

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 20
Physical Desc: bulgy, short brown hair, slightly tall for his age
Personality: patient, honest, trustworthy, disciplined, works well with others, not good at being a leader, easy to lose his temper, extremely hard for him to trust others
Trait you are stronger with your size, Untrustable: you have a harder time making friendships and trusts
Class: Sorcerer
Sect: neutral
Weapons: Bronze dagger
Armor: Chitin armor, wooden shield, cloak
Misc.: Healing pod, 3 ice-infused crystals, baton, 5 sets of thorns
Money: 0
Creations: Fyroa
Spells: Firebolt, Minor Heal
Creation spells: Create Fyora (10)
Level: 1
Exp: 0/10
Health: 97/100
Armor health: 0
Energy: 95/100
Essence: 90/100
Conditions: none
Bio: Grown as an only child of an affluent family, which was not affected, initially, by the war between the two factions. Fascinated by magic, he became a strong sorcerer. Eventually, he decided to take part into the raging fight, although uncertain whether the power of the Shapers was enough to make him give up his beliefs in freedom and equality to all, and forget the idea of joining the Rebels.
Perk:Untouched by war: when you were young and not hurt by the ravages, you had the chance for edumacation, spells are cheaper to learn

I look at the mysterious man with a look that expresses my curiosity as to why he killed my creation along with the other creatures, where he came from and many other questions. I ask him nothing, though, and wait for his next action.

Showing 91-105 of 265