ForumsForum GamesStar Wars: the rise of Darth Vores

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This is a fictional star wars role playing game (RPG)

It is set after the downfall of the empire at the end of the star wars movies. The new republic is now the major ruleing body of the known galaxies. The "imperial" remenets made of the few remaining sith, stormtroopers, and the newly joined stormtroopers, no longer only clones. Along with them are sith newly apprenticed by the "old" sith(pre-downfall sith). The new republic has many jedi masters, but many-many-more padawans. In this RPG you will play as ethier a jedi padawan, sith apprentice, stormtrooper, or republic trooper.


Name: (first and last)
Side of the forcewill devolop, do not fill in)
Factionnew republic or imperial rememnts)
Force powers:none

Note that if your not a jedi or sith, you will not have anything on side of the force or force powers. Maybe some plot twists could give you temporal powers or something like that.

This is my first fourm game and i would hope for it to be succesful, my spelling isnt very good so please ignore the errors. I also think that most people like star wars, they just dont "express it" as it is a franchise and they dont want to be star wars "nerds"

finally, i wont be non-stop posting because i have school

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