Plot: You are a soldier who has been recently recruited the Navy seals being assigned Black Op mission. You will be assigned different mission search and destroy, assassination missions, search and rescue and sabotage mission. You will also be in a squad of three including yourself (which I will choose for you). You will have different guns and perks that will be unlocked as you complete different missions.
Character Sheet:
Name: Weapons: (You will choose Available weapons in beginning of the mission) Equipment: (Special grenades, knifes, c4, etc. again according to rank) Perk: None (You will be awarded perks as you complete missions) Items: (during missions you will get items relative to the mission) Squad: (Depending on the mission you might be with your squad or solo mission) Mission: (that way we don't forget primary objective notice how i say "we"
Name:Aleksa Weapons: (You will choose Available weapons in beginning of the mission) Equipment: (Special grenades, knifes, c4, etc. again according to rank) Perk: None (You will be awarded perks as you complete missions) Items: (during missions you will get items relative to the mission) Squad: (Depending on the mission you might be with your squad or solo mission) Mission: (that way we don't forget primary objective notice how i say "we"
Name: Weapons: (You will choose Available weapons in beginning of the mission) Equipment: (Special grenades, knifes, c4, etc. again according to rank) Perk: None (You will be awarded perks as you complete missions) Items: (during missions you will get items relative to the mission) Squad: (Depending on the mission you might be with your squad or solo mission) Mission: (that way we don't forget primary objective notice how i say "we"
HELLZZZ TO THE YEA! Do i get like a perk or something for doing the beta and completing it?
you need to put your name ghost sauce ----------------------------------------- Nameale Equipment: Perk:None Items:None Squad: Mission:
Your in your barrack getting your things organized when you hear your name being called from the speakers " Dale please report to the briefing room" what do you do?
You go to the breifing room and the general is there and says "Aleska I have a sabotage mission for you if you choose to accept" do you accept this mission?
"Ok Aleska right now we are in a brink of war with Russia and they are bringing many supplies to one of their bases in china it looks like they are teaming up we cant let that happen so we are going to try and frame the Russian with a bomb which you will set in the Chinese military base they will have an exchange and right after the Russian leave a truck holding supplies they will leave by plane after they leave set the bomb in that specific truck and once your away from the area blow it up"
Weapons available: (choose one of each) Primary: Silenced m16, silenced mp5, silenced ump and Dragonuv (sniper) Secondary: Colt, silenced m5, Silenced mk23 Equipment: C4, snake (a camera that can see through crack and vents stuff like that), Flash grenade
What will you select (put it in your character sheet
Name:Aleksa Weapons:Silenced ump,Silenced mk23 Equipment:C4 Perk: None Items: Bomb, Russian uniform Squad: Solo Mission: destroy Russian convoy truck in Chinese base
You are dropped off a couple minutes away from the base you are given the bomb and a Russian military outfit now if you wear it. it will make the sabotage more believable but, you will be noticed easily and it is heavy. hwat do you do?