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(is this a cliche?)

Introduction: you wake up on island, you dont know how you got there, but you know you must survive.

Instructions: you will create a charecter and you will be placed on an island. You will need to find drinkable water, food sources(I.E. hunting, plants ECT.) and build/make shelter (anything from a roof tied to trees to a crude cabin).

Example: ________:you find yourself on an island, you are near the beach and your head hurts.there is a tropical forest on the island. In the distances of the sea, you make out a wreacked ship. What do you do?

player1:i search for any thing form the wreck on the shore, then trek into the forest.


Bio: (not required)
Prefered Island Typeexamples would be like, tropical for a tropical island, or desert for a dry sandy one)
Skillexplained below)
Jobyou must retain your skill from this)
player interactionexplained)



-skill:a starting skill, like building, I.E. you know how to build basic stuff, or mineing, I.E. worked in a mine and has basic skills to start a mine/mine materials(there are only suggestions, make your own!)

-job:what your job had been prior to your arrival here, has to be where your skill comes from I.E. building, you where a construction worker

-inventroy: what you have with you, and your overall equipment

-thirst: how thirsty you are, self explainitory, doing tedious tasks raise it, as does really, anything, eventully you can die from dehydration

-hunger: how hungry you are, self explainitory, basicly the same as above, can die from starvation

-tiredness: how tried or sleepy you are, can not die from from sleep deprivation, but you will pass out occasionlly if you dont get enough sleep

-player interaction:mark a yes or no, yes if you want to be able to find people on the island, no if you dont want to find actull players


SOOOOOO!!!!! i hope this is enjoyable for you all.

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