JOH 10:30 I and my Father are one.
JOH 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
You're referring to the known problem of how to understand the Trinity as One and Three at once. These are both correct, as we can't perceive the correct set of relation within the Trinity. Jesus and Father are One God, but one is the Father and one is the Son, and a son is never greater than his father.
ISA 14:21 Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities.
This was not directed towards Israeli, but towards Assur, and that nation sinned as a whole, so suffers as a whole.
With Gospels, it's normal in a case of an overwhelming event to remember only some parts of it, so they all remembered different parts of Jesus's sufferings. I'd expect there could be more words that Jesus spoke while on the Cross, which didn't make them into Gospels, but this is only a thought of mine.
Next, the prostantism lets people intepret the bible themselves (hence why there are over 500+ sects of prostantism) rather then letting the church intepret it for them.
That's why they don't stand as a whole and will eventually dissipate or assimilate.
Next, the catholic church grants itself powers, like saying the pope is infallible on matters of god, which is akin to saying the pope is on par with Jesus.
E1337, you should check the sources of this, and explanation of this. Since you don't believe in God (anymore?) it's normal for you to say "granting itself powers". You should also know that the Pope is Christ's deputy on Earth, so in some cases he can say something on behalf of Christ, and won't sin.
The reason is, if you believe the bible is the word of god, then god advocates slavery, genocide, etc.
And, did you forget about what is priority, again?
How about a priest reference.
If we are to go with vespers beliefs then isn't this just a human's claim of God's way, thus blasphemy?
A priest reference can be verified, and a bishop's reference is Church teaching reference, and Church teaching is backed up by God to remain correct in all times.
Your views sound very much more protestant then Catholic.
Are you familiar with Catholic views?
So by that logic, it is OK for me to kill my own children.
First, your own children are not only your own, but their mother's own. Second, God also started souls, and every human has a soul, born or not. A human can't make a soul, so it's
not OK for you to kill your own children, because you can't end a soul's mortal life by your desire.
So what tells you "Thought shalt not kill" is good? Do you just go "Well, I used to think killing was Ok, but then I read the bible and was like 'Wow! Killing is actually bad!"? I doupt it. Why do you follow some of the more logical ones (Like don't kill [Though this is a pretty stiff rule to fallow]) while saying that some are bad, like when the Bible tells you to stone homosexuals? It is yourself. You are putting your own morals, like killing is bad, into the book rather than taking anything out of it.
Read about priority first.
Of course this is different from self-defence because letting people kill you is almost never the right solution.
Why not? You get to go to Heaven and they get to be Bubba's "special friend" in prison.
Because then you're permitting them to make a grave sin, since they intend to kill you, and if they do, they could lose their eternal life, and the guilt for this CAN lay partly on your head. So the best approach is to disable but not kill, and not to intend to kill the offender so you won't sin gravely yourself if you accidentally overdo.
Why live a good life here when paradise is one cancer away? Why shouldn't we? Wouldn't the Christians like to see their god?
This is like saying "
aradise is one suicide away". You should intend to meet God, but you must let God choose time. So if you will get cancer, and then die, while not enforcing death or doing things to make it sooner, this is "one cancer away", and if you will sacrifice your suffering to God, it can make someone else, including people you don't know, come closer to Heaven.
Because religion is the enemy of science.
Religion is just above science, they can coexist.