It's on page 186 if you want to read the original. But basically I was saying that after discussing with christians, I got convinced to at least try once to call upon god/jesus, and do it honestly. You know, basically doing what is written in the bible:
Luke 11 And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
Luke 11 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
I did so, and may I say I really did it seriously. And I'm still waiting for anything. My point was, since god is supposed to be omniscient and all-loving, he should know how skeptic I can be and how to give me a clear sign, and also he should want to give me the opportunity to believe. Since that didn't happen, either he doesn't know me very well, or he doesn't want me to believe. In both cases, he can't really exist.
Well, you don't know if there are processes started to help you after your call. Me too, though, but I believe there is help on the way to you. The main trick is: You are doing right, but you don't persevere as I see right now. And you're referring to Luke 11:9-10, so do read Luke 11:5-8 along with it.
5 And he said to them, "Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him, `Friend, lend me three loaves;
6 for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him';
7 and he will answer from within, `Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything'?
8 I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him whatever he needs.The Bible should be read and adhered to in its whole, so you can't grab one passage and build your theories around it, while there are other passages explaining that in the way that contradicts your theory. So do persevere, do continue to ask, and you will receive a reply.
The fact faith is required only further supports the likely hood of that deity not existing.
Well Mage, there is evidence, albeit personal, that suports the cause of God existing, and supports faith of both the one who experienced and others who at least think this can be true, so they can believe as well. I agree this is irrational, as belief always is, but when you personally receive a kind of proof (the one I was trying to propagate all the topic backwards, but have probably done wrong or fruitless), you continue to believe despite it contradicting normal logic. But this is the very same reason why you can't make a person to believe unless he would want to...
You're not going to convert the world shift, you're only 15.
You know Shona, there are saints that are of less age than he is, that did convert some people by their own example of virtue, although that usually ended up in them dying one way or the other. There is for example
Laura Vicun'a, that requested the Lord of her mother's conversion by giving her own life out, and succeeded. There's
Antonietta Meo, who is not yet approved as a "full" saint by Catholic Church, who gave out her leg for conversion of sinners. There's you, after all, who seem to do small sacrifices for the same goal - and neither of us does know what fruit they will bear. So it's posible for shift4101 to take part in converting sinners, he won't do that all by himself of course, but please don't discourage anyone. But you did good at pointing his methods out for him to reconsider.
I do expect some of the arguments to be irrelevant and irreverant, including my own, but please don't judge all of the topic at once. I do expect that you have not read it up cover to cover, otherwise you should find out some valid standpoints for either side. .... Oh you said you read only 16 pages forward... there was even no me back there. Hum.
Well a lot of atheists do believe that Jesus was real, just that he wasn't a real god or anything. Anyways did you know there is no proof that an invisible t-Rex isn't beside you?
why should there be no invisible t-rex beside me? Perhaps because there's not enough space for one to fit in, and not touch any other objects in the slightest? And if it's not only invisible, but also insensible, why it's necessarily a t-rex? Either way, this argument is pretty old, and is named IPU. I say that it's not a t-rex or IPU but a guardian angel.