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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
9,462 posts
204 posts

What are you talking about?

9,462 posts

What are you talking about?

Me? I was just pointing out there are still Christians who do believe in witches and promote this belief.
2,487 posts

That doesn't sound like a christian at all. A person that believes in Gid , but doesn't believe in the bible or follow it can't possibly be called christian.

"god", since he is so &quotowerful", can talk to people through more than just the bible (he should've, then I wouldn't be such an avid disbeliever). in fact, if he wanted to, he is more than able to appear in front of me right now. so let's see if god can appear.

...nope, he hasn't, guess he doesn't exist.

1,900 posts

Which just proves that we're just little, almost insignificant beings on this one planet. I guess there is a reason when one thinks of God, he/she might swell up with emotion. It could be some coincidence. But, I personally think it's just that God created us, and when we think about God, we just feel...connected in one way or another.

3,817 posts

Which just proves that we're just little, almost insignificant beings on this one planet. I guess there is a reason when one thinks of God, he/she might swell up with emotion. It could be some coincidence. But, I personally think it's just that God created us, and when we think about God, we just feel...connected in one way or another.

....What are you responding to exactly?
4,710 posts

well, if god is so almighty, then he could create a stone that is so big that even god could not lift it. if he can create the rock, he can not lift it and that means he is not almighty. but if he is not almighty, he cant create this rock.

534 posts

well, if god is so almighty, then he could create a stone that is so big that even god could not lift it. if he can create the rock, he can not lift it and that means he is not almighty. but if he is not almighty, he cant create this rock.

Ehehehe, I read this before. It is impossible to make God do the impossible. Not really much of an explanation but that's what other people say.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Ehehehe, I read this before. It is impossible to make God do the impossible. Not really much of an explanation but that's what other people say.

Essentially you're admitting that God is not omnipotent, which is one of the central tenets in Christianity.
534 posts

"god", since he is so &quotowerful", can talk to people through more than just the bible (he should've, then I wouldn't be such an avid disbeliever). in fact, if he wanted to, he is more than able to appear in front of me right now. so let's see if god can appear.
...nope, he hasn't, guess he doesn't exist

You can't really just ask him to show up out of no where. Countless people say the same thing or close to the same thing/ One person said, "Since God didn't give me one million dollars, he can't be real." I asked God the same what you asked. Well guess what! He didn't show up either. Doesn't mean he doesn't exist.
534 posts

Ehehehe, I read this before. It is impossible to make God do the impossible. Not really much of an explanation but that's what other people say.

Whoops I said that wrong. what I meant was that nothing is impossible for God, But you can't make him create something that would be impossible for him to carry. Is that more clear?
2,487 posts

Ehehehe, I read this before. It is impossible to make God do the impossible. Not really much of an explanation but that's what other people say.

god can do the impossible, since he is "god". what you are saying is just an excuse, not an explanation.

again, stop giving excuses, run-arounds, and altogether attempts to prevent yourself from having to answer the questions. I want a straight answer, or I will believe that you are no longer able to debate this against us.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

But you can't make him create something that would be impossible for him to carry. Is that more clear?

Then he clearly is not omnipotent is he not? Nothing is supposed to be impossible for omnipotent beings. Still boils down to that, given that we listed one impossible action that refutes his supposed universal power.
2,487 posts

You can't really just ask him to show up out of no where. Countless people say the same thing or close to the same thing/ One person said, "Since God didn't give me one million dollars, he can't be real." I asked God the same what you asked. Well guess what! He didn't show up either. Doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

...god is supposed to be all powerful, and all knowing, and all loving. when I was trying to desperately cling to the last shread of my beliefs, I asked him to at least give me something to show he is real. I would've accepted anything, even a comforting feeling, but I got nothing. it wasn't because I was a bad christian, or because i didn't try hard enough, it was because he doesn't exist. do you know what it is like to have your last shread of belief ripped away from you? do you know what it is like to feel truly alone, and to know that there is nothing there to change any of that? I hope you choke on your beliefs and waste your life praying and never getting the answer.

3,025 posts

Relax Bladerunner679. . . I've gone through the same thing -- not so much with the last iota of belief but I've been alone for the majority of my life (infact it's only very recently I've felt truly accompanied by someone) and I've not believed God through the majority of that time as well -- I have been and still am primarily alone. It feels terrible, sometimes -- human comfort as says on my profile can be such a boon to your happiness, being understood and included is almost essential and there's a pretty large lack of that for me but I'm alright with it -- independence is such a strong thing and whilst I think that it's not the most efficient way, so much is possible.

You're independent and as a result you take responsibility for your actions -- I understand your anger, I used to be quite . . . colorful in my posts when I was influenced like that (check back to the first few pages of this thread), but it doesn't help.

Too often we're focused on not believing in God, but often people rely on faith -- I think the ideology of independence, the realization of the strength of humans and etc as arguments to why you should shed yourself of perceiving this life as the first and humanity as an inferior force to God.

- H

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