ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

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3,817 posts

1. A father loves his child.
2. A father sees his child doing something wrong.
3. A father punishes the child, so that the child does not do the wrong thing that it was doing again.
4. A father still loves the child.

You forgot to mention the punishment must be proportionate to the crime. It would be more like
1. A father says he loves his child
2. A father sees his child doing wrong
4. The father still loves his (burning) child

And when doing something wrong is as simple as "Not believing in him", or human nature like "lust".

Or maybe it would be more like:
1. A father says he loves a child
2. The father sees the child do something minor wrong
3. The father gives the kid a choice. He could either torture his other son or torture him.
4. The father tortures someone
5. The father is happy.

I wouldn't want him as a father.

you do not believe there is a god-you believe there is no god.

Am I wrong in saying this is the exact same thing?

Yes? One is a passive thing. One is a belief.

By this logic, you are an aathiest because you don't don't believe in god.

Do you believe that there is no unicorns, or not believe in unicorns?

the last time I checked the world was round

It was. The Bible says it was flat.

when has He tortured someone?

Considering that he controls every action, always. Then there is Hell, which he is torturing everyone with fire, Revelations when he tortures everyone, Jesus who he tortured, several people in the Bible he tortured mentally by killing their families. I was mostly referring to Hell.

until that point, people sacrificed animals. God made the very last sacrifice, so that there would be no more. hmm...
this kinda sounds like a loving God!

Wait. A god demands that you murder things, then murders his own son himself, and he is somehow loving?

Lets say it is your father doing this:
Day 1 "Son, I need you to go out and kill a cow for me! You can eat part of it if you want. I just want you to burn some as a burnt offering to me."
You: "Why?"
Him "Because you are a bad boy and the only way I can forgive your or existing is if you kill things for me. now off you go!"
Day 10:
"Well son I don't need you to sacrifice any more!"
"Why is that dad?"
"Because I sacrificed my only son to myself!"


if you are reading this God has not ended the world.

He killed everyone except for his family, ever heard of Noah? It was the end of the world as they new it. So he ended the world.

if it confuses you that much, you can think of God like water. it can be solid, liquid, and gas, but is still always water

No. Water is always water. But god is apparently ice and steam and liquid, all at once, but separately at the same time. Or does he just have personality disorder?

Three people who are one person who are three people isn't water, steam, and ice, it is insanity.

God does not hate sex, in fact He wishes for us to multiply. God in disappoited with sex-related sins, such as adultery, premarital sex, incest, pornography, etc., but God does not hate sex itself

So god doesn't hate sex, as long as you don't have sex or do anything related to sex? And only allows sex inside, marriage, with no lust, and apparently no masturbation or pornography? Then he hates sex 90% of the time. Is that better?

if you want to know, I am Lutheran. christianity, though, encases all denominations. and if you said that Catholics, for exampe, are the only true Christians, the other denominaions would not be Christians, and therefore would not be Christians that misunderstood Christianity

A Christian is someone who believes in Christ. SO they are all Christian, no matter how you say it. So basically, by our ideology, everyone who isn't a Lutheran is a Christian who "Misunderstood Christianity".

what? how do you figure he didn't write this?

I just showed you the quote. He got it from a secondary source.

Basically you see how I quoted in the last article? That is basically what he did.
8,257 posts

Notice, however, that the father didn't blame his other 5 million children for the crimes of the two, and didn't kill all but a few of them.

Also the father lets his child live and give it a chance to learn from the punishment; he doesn't kill him.

And totally independent of that; how in whateva's name is live-long misery a well-meant punishment?

[quote]where do you get that idea?

The Bible.[/quote]
Thanks Kasic. In a nutshell, the bible can be understood as an instruction book for your life as a christian, that you should follow. It does not however let shine through the very intentions of the author to every situation; that's where a christian has to interpret the instructions given and try to make the correct conclusions. If he thinks his conclusions are right, he can try to help others, but he should not impose his conclusions as the Lords way, because obviously they are not.
9,462 posts

the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who was not a Christian, wrote in 93-94 A.D.:

Not a first hand account. As mentioned it's derived from early Christian sources. Also it's thought parts of the Testimonium Flavianum are 3rd century forgeries. Which wouldn't at all be surprising since we had people in power at that time who believed lying was an appropriate means of getting people to convert. ...A practice that doesn't appear to have died.

Because atheism is lack of belief in a god, not a belief that there is no god.

The term today can actually include both those who simply lack belief for what ever reason and those who actively disbelieve.

you do not believe there is a god-you believe there is no god.

I lack belief in any god due to lack of evidence of one. There is a difference between lack of belief and disbelief. Though I will say I am highly skeptical of the existence of the Christian God and do disbelieve Biblical account since many of been shown to be faulty in light of evidence.
534 posts

It was. The Bible says it was flat.

Skipping all the other things because I guess i'm a bit lazy today, I have read in some places in the bible that the world was flat. Just so you know those came from human beings. Although in Acts 1:8 at the end it say's "and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." Which some people would think that this would mean that the world is flat and there is an ending to it, but that's not true since the world is round. Jesus never really said that the world was flat he only meant for everyone to cover every inch of the planet.
5,552 posts

Just so you know those came from human beings.

That's no excuse. If the Bible is the word of God, then what the hell is the faulty word of man doing in there?

Basically, we can now say anything "just came from humans" and dismiss the entire Bible. YAY.

Wait, I was already doing that! (surprised face!)

only meant for everyone to cover every inch of the planet.

1) This is just your interpretation.
2) How are we supposed to live if we're shoulder to shoulder on every speck of land?
3,817 posts

Skipping all the other things because I guess i'm a bit lazy today, I have read in some places in the bible that the world was flat. Just so you know those came from human beings. Although in Acts 1:8 at the end it say's "and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." Which some people would think that this would mean that the world is flat and there is an ending to it, but that's not true since the world is round. Jesus never really said that the world was flat he only meant for everyone to cover every inch of the planet.

Since you are feeling lazy, and so am I, here is a link. I didn't actually read it. But it looks like it has a lot of quotes and stuff. Put no effort in get no effort out.
534 posts

"STOP KILLING INNOCENT THINGS TO TRY TO APPEASE ME, IT JUST MAKES ME SAD" in a loud, booming voice that no one could miss.

Innocent? Really? We lied, we cheated, we stole, we killed, we hurt other people.....(10 minutes later) and we used the lords name in vain. Seriously, if your not going to talk about him or pray to him don't mention him.
5,552 posts

Innocent? Really?

I was referring to animal sacrifices.

Seriously, if your not going to talk about him or pray to him don't mention him.

I gladly would. Except obnoxious evangelists and people who bring their religion into everything make that impossible.

Btw, please respond to the previous posts instead of ignoring them.
3,817 posts

Innocent? Really? We lied, we cheated, we stole, we killed, we hurt other people.....(10 minutes later) and we used the lords name in vain. Seriously, if your not going to talk about him or pray to him don't mention him.

Arson, murder, and jaywalking?

You where not paying attention, where you? They where killing innocents and trying to appease him BY SACRIFICING. Jesus, unless you are to say he was not innocent, was ONE OF THOSE INNOCENTS SACRIFICED SO WE WOULD NOT HAVE TO KEEP SACRIFICING INNOCENTS.

Basically, because you think we did those things (I don't remember killing, stealing, or hurting other people myself...), they sacrificed some of the pure animals in several kinds of offerings. Then god sacrificed Jesus. He is saying that you really didn't need to kill anyone, and could just tell them to "STOP SACRIFICING" rather than making another sacrifice.
421 posts

Except obnoxious evangelists

They aren't obnoxious.

I didn't actually read it.

Why don't you just actually read before you show it.
3,817 posts

They aren't obnoxious.

Nice argument there.

Why don't you just actually read before you show it.

Because you have not actually read anything I posted, and he didn't read the source anyway. Why would I waste my time with something you will just ignore?
3,817 posts

100% with macfan.

....He didn't say anything of value at all...
5,552 posts

They aren't obnoxious.

They're the very definition of obnoxious.


They get in your face, visit your house, threaten you with eternal torture, tell you you're wrong, and get mad when you tell them to leave.

Why don't you just actually read before you show it.

If you had actually read what he posted, he said why. He didn't read it because deathbewithyou said he didn't read it.

"Since you are feeling lazy, and so am I"

100% with macfan.

*facepalm* + spam comment.
306 posts

i]Basically, because you think we did those things (I don't remember killing, stealing, or hurting other people myself...), they sacrificed some of the pure animals in several kinds of offerings. Then god sacrificed Jesus. He is saying that you really didn't need to kill anyone, and could just tell them to "STOP SACRIFICING" rather than making another sacrifice.[/i]
mostly true. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross to pay for all of mankind's sins, so we would stop having to sacrifice sheep.

5,552 posts

mostly true. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross to pay for all of mankind's sins, so we would stop having to sacrifice sheep.

Exactly the problem. Another innocent sacrifice shows that God is the OPPOSITE of loving.

A loving, all powerful God could have made the same result without further bloodshed. Not even going into all the previous bloodshed.
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