ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
9,462 posts

Mage. Please, do not try to argue, it will actually annoy me seeing his reactions because no matter what he does, I am positive I will not be happy with it.

I make no guarantees.
315 posts

One, why do you believe in the bible over any other religion? Fromy my point of view they all appear equally valid, what makes one more so than the other?
Mainly because I was born into it, but now that I'm older and I look at other religions, Christianity makes the most sense to me.Two, do you actually hear voices, or is it all in feelings? Or do you not feel anything, but just trust that he is there?[/quote] All of the above. Sometimes he "speaks" through events and sometimes I get an idea and it's like he's speaking me through that. Other times I get a feeling as though my soul is combining with others and reaching God.
Three, Why is/was Rock and Roll considered the Devil's music?
Lol that's mainly old people. I think that they are jealous because the music they listen to in church is horrible compared to rock and roll
5,552 posts

Now, I was reading this thread and who ever originated this thread no worries all this is for the glory of God. Now whether you believe in God is irrelevant, proof of God we can go on forever because proof is what is known to man not what is actually there for example the world people thought that the earth was flat because there was no proof that existed otherwise just because the proof is there or isn't doesn't mean anything. Now NEEDING proof or evidence to believe God is a completely is was this thread is about. science wouldn't exist if there wasn't that one "crazy guy" that believed in something like Christopher Columbus. There wouldn't be a lot of the things we have today if there wasn't that one indifferent person that said "Hey wouldn't it be cool if there was a device the froze a moment and printed it on paper" what do you think people thought about them. Those situation is no different from what we are having now. Faith in the dictionary means "belief that is not based on proof". Now I'm not trying to make anyone open their heart to Jesus because in the bible is says he will knock and he will dine with you if YOU choose to open not me that the guy above you not your parents YOU but, dont flame this guy for having faith in God. A God that does exist a God who intervenes for his CHILDREN not for his creation notice how i say that he loves all his creation but, intervenes for his children not everyone are his children it says in the bible "Many are called few are chosen" so, yes there are tragedy in the world yes there is war but, that because he knock but, people chose to not open the door and all these bad things are for the glory of God because when it comes to the point where things get impossible when it gets to the point where everyone is crying for a miracle that's when he comes in he doesn't come in when something is possible what would be the point he comes in when something is impossible and i notice how some people says "even if there was a God what is the point of following if all you want is to go to heaven" its not only for that spot in the book of life. It for the love its because he is my father, he is my creator even if the world might abandon me even if my own parents that I am blessed with were to hate me even if the times get tough and I have no more strength I know that My Savior Jesus Christ has already conquered the world, That my God has all the love for me and that he does have the strength. So, just because you might not have faith don't mess with this Christian follower because you know what he is a Child of God and No one messes with a child of God.

Holladay, two things. One, saying proof 50 times in one sentence doesn't do anything for your argument. Two, learn to hit the period key once in awhile, reading that block nearly drove me crazy.
3,671 posts

Well, a lot of the rock and roll didnt have much of a great....message lets say but not all rock and roll artist but, a lot of them and the white people churches like the pure american churches i have to admit they are quite dull but, my church is full of hispanics we always play funk and pop and i play bass guitar for my youth and we pplay rock, po-rock, progressive rock

3,437 posts

Holladay25. Saying that there is proof, but not elaborating on said proof does not work. It proves nothing. Furthermore the burden of said proof does rest with you, the religious community, because you are asserting the claim. Think of a court of law. The attorney accussing the suspect must prove the suspect is guilt because the attorney for the prosecution is the one making a claim.

3,671 posts

Didn't my response just explain faith is a belief in something with out evidence did i not explain how our world is made up of many inventions that took faith. how about this re-read it and come back to me on that

9,462 posts

It's like saying that the Bible was written by one person. It wasn't. People say things differently, or leave out some information (possibly they don't know?), so you won't get the same thing every time, which is why there are five different books on Jesus. John writes in a way that is easy to read, Luke was a doctor and his writing is about as complicated as his field of work. Maybe one heard he bought the land and the other was there for it. We don't know.

I thought they were suppose to all be non contradictory accurate accounts from the Christian perspective. Now your telling me there are errors and contradictions in the accounts?
3,671 posts

I thought they were suppose to all be non contradictory accurate accounts from the Christian perspective. Now your telling me there are errors and contradictions in the accounts?

No, what he is saying is that the book is perceived in different ways just like now with the constitution just how their are original ism and then idealism
9,462 posts

No, what he is saying is that the book is perceived in different ways just like now with the constitution just how their are original ism and then idealism

Judas buys the land. Totally different guy takes the money to buy the land after Judas is dead. Was one of these perceivers Mr.Magoo?

Nonintentional mistakes, possibly translators (stupid translators), etc. I'm sure you know the drill. Now why wasn't the Bible originally written in English like all the Evolutionary theory stuff? (yes, I know that English did not exist back then or wasn't popular back then and that Greeks or some 'ancient' peoples also suggested an Evolutionary theory.)

Then I take it you don't believe everything in the Bible then?
9,462 posts

In case no one knows who Mr.Magoo is.

Mr Magoo Episode 09

266 posts

Thepyro, thanks for having the guts to post this thread. I think there should be at least ONE place christians on this site can talk in peace, for once. Thanks man, I don't think I'd be able to talke the bashing

1,936 posts

tehpwner, I am extremely sorry (but not really) to inform you that this thread has been compromised by Atheists, including myself.

3,437 posts

Thepyro, thanks for having the guts to post this thread. I think there should be at least ONE place christians on this site can talk in peace, for once. Thanks man, I don't think I'd be able to talke the bashing

Sadly he cannot dictate who views and comments on this thread. And to be clear many of us are not bashing, we are trying to have a reasoned discussion. However, when reason fails we become aggitated with the ignorance SOME people show.
1,017 posts

You really can't accept both without running into contradiction, which means you are left with having to deny one of the above statements.

Some forms of Christianity like Mormons believe the EVERYTHING in the Bible is the truth and each word is the absolute truth. I am a Catholic and I have a very open mind so science. The Bible is full of metaphors and not everything is straight forward. It can't be taken at face value, it requires thought. I don't believe that on the 3rd day God made the Sun or any of that. I do find truth in the big bang. But, how did that infinitely small, dense and hot speck get there?
3,437 posts

Didn't my response just explain faith is a belief in something with out evidence did i not explain how our world is made up of many inventions that took faith. how about this re-read it and come back to me on that

Oh I understood, however, regardless of faith you are still making an assertion. Saying God is real will no doubt lead to people asking "How do you know?" simply saying, "Faith", is not, for many people a good enough answer. Therefore we ask you to prove it. That's usually when you ask us to disprove it. How does one disprove it when there is no evidence to do so. Therefore, if you make a claim you must validate that claim.
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