ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
955 posts

Gaboloth, I did understand this at some point while digging in there, however some valid points are also described there.

#660 is defended by a known inability of current medicine to heal several diseases and disorders like allergy, diabetes, genetic disorders and stuff, and reported healings of these.
#568 - the keypoint is the word "almost", which implies that there could still be things that are inexplainable by science but that had happened. I actually expect that even we'll cooperate with aliens and gained access to their knowledge we won't explain everything.
#263 - there is only a small chance of a person surviving that long underground, and since all 33 survived, this is a highly improbable event that might require external interaction to occur - it's uncertain if it did, tho, so this is not a cast-iron argument but an evidence in support of the statement. You might remember that all of Chile prayed for their return, God usually listens to such prayers and grants the graces required.
#538 was already pronounced here, and your arguments aren't backed with anything here. Still, in order to have a successful discussion, I'd want you to provide any answers to these questions:
1) What comes first, time or the Big Bang, and why?
2) Can time be named "not requiring cause to exist", and why?
3) Current theory explains the condition of the universe starting from ~1.0e-15 seconds from the event named "Big Bang". What can possibly occur in the uncovered time gap?

554 posts

Time isn't a thing that comes into existence and is destroyed it is always here. The Big Bang was an event in time so time must've been there or it to happen.

Time doesn't need to be caused because time isn't really anything we just use it to explain the order of how events occur.

No one can actually be sure what happened at the beginning of the universe and I'm not a scientist so I don't know

1,612 posts

about #263, what do you say about all that kind of events in history that didn't end so good? I'm sure that a lot of people prayed for them too, but they still died. since it only works once every thousands of cases it's much more realistic to think about it as a lucky event.

554 posts

Prayer: 0.01% is considered a high success rate. Christianity is yet again to have been shown as having impeccable logic

9,462 posts

This singularity is time, as I can comprehend. So, time created everything. Then, there is infinite time behind the Big Bang and etc. What has happened then?

Time at the point of the singularity has no extensions into the past as such is treated as t=0. In other words there was no before the Big Bang.

Um, any proves? I request a document about an event that's named miracle by the Church, and was later explained by science.

How about the Fatima Miracle?

This has a article on miracles.
Examining Miracle Claims

"Of course one cannot prove miracles do not exist, but apart from the well known difficulty of proving a negative one does not have that burden, which is actually on the claimant. Invariably, when we subtract the cases which have been clearly disproved, or which have plausible counter- explanations, or that are inadmissible because they cannot be substantiated, there seems insufficient grounds for invoking a miracle."

I don't have neither. Maybe we could request this off STURP to conduct such an experiment? I think the main trouble will be to get the body, as it should be of a recently dead person, whose death is kind of forced, and all of them are subjects to investigation of the cause and probability of a murder. Traffic accidents count as well.

Might be able to use a pig as a stand in for a human body. It would really just have to be a recently dead body prior to it's initial stages of decay.

The main trouble with this is that God is not the one to act upon command, and such a verification is a demand for Him to act. He'll just say "no, not yet" and your verifications will be futile.

Then we really can't validate any claim and must remain skeptical of any such claim.

And with this, you'll happily say there's no God, regardless of initial evidence.

Since we can't verify any such evidence we can't accept it as evidence.
If someone were to scream at you "Get out of your house quick, it's burning down!" and you look around and see no fire or smell any smoke, you only have that person's claim that there is a fire. You would likely not accept this man screaming at you as evidence of a fire. I apply this same line of reasoning to God.

Logic? Yes, bad logic, but God does not need to comply with logic

Our means of determining reality does, so any proof of God must comply with logic. It seems to me your saying that you know this stuff doesn't make any sense but you believe it anyway. This also seems like a complete cop out. God doesn't get to have special treatment in determining reality.

Gaboloth, I did understand this at some point while digging in there, however some valid points are also described there.

Not one of those are good points.
554 posts

The invisible pink unicorn is clearly non existant but you can't prove it to be wrong. The same applies to god

9,462 posts

I'll just leave this here.
Holy Bible - Epic Fail

3,371 posts

Since we can't verify any such evidence we can't accept it as evidence.
If someone were to scream at you "Get out of your house quick, it's burning down!" and you look around and see no fire or smell any smoke, you only have that person's claim that there is a fire. You would likely not accept this man screaming at you as evidence of a fire. I apply this same line of reasoning to God.

well, what if you were wrong? what if you went to sleep and awoke to a fire surronding you? just because you don't see it at the time shouldn't you take the man's word and rather be safe then sorry. Of course this example isn't compleatly aaccurate because God takes you based on your heart and not based on your faith, but the rest should match up.
5,552 posts

well, what if you were wrong? what if you went to sleep and awoke to a fire surronding you? just because you don't see it at the time shouldn't you take the man's word and rather be safe then sorry. Of course this example isn't compleatly aaccurate because God takes you based on your heart and not based on your faith, but the rest should match up.

So your entire reasons for spending your whole life not as you want it possibly, for thinking of yourself as a sinner for something your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather/mother did, is because you'd "rather be safe than sorry?" What a waste.
3,817 posts

well, what if you were wrong? what if you went to sleep and awoke to a fire surronding you? just because you don't see it at the time shouldn't you take the man's word and rather be safe then sorry. Of course this example isn't compleatly aaccurate because God takes you based on your heart and not based on your faith, but the rest should match up.

Well lets say that you are in a concrete house, or some kind of bunker, where the fire is impossible? Or something more unlikely, like "If you do not move two feet to the left, then you will get hit by a meteor!"? If you truly believe that, then quickly, move your computer and yourself back two feet, as a dinosaur is about to fall from the sky and hit your exact location.

So what happens when people get their hearts damaged? Or replaced? I don't see how an organ that pumps blood is in control of your religion...
9,462 posts

well, what if you were wrong? what if you went to sleep and awoke to a fire surronding you? just because you don't see it at the time shouldn't you take the man's word and rather be safe then sorry.

No it doesn't mean you should take the persons word for it, it means you should investigate the claim.

Of course this example isn't compleatly aaccurate because God takes you based on your heart and not based on your faith, but the rest should match up.

Yeah it's like a bunch of people claiming your house is on fire but can't agree on what part or how big the fire is. All the while not one of the areas claimed to be in blazes is burning in the least.

You claim it's deed based, others claim it's faith based, others still claim you have to be saved and even if you believe and are good it won't matter. Even further others still require ceremonies for this saving to occur while others do not. And all of this is just from one religion out of the 10's of thousands of religions and a hand full of the over 35,000+ denominations there in.
3,371 posts

well i don't see anything wrong with beliving in God. i don't hurt people for it. and in fact it's taught me to love and respect people more. And i like it.

3,817 posts

well i don't see anything wrong with beliving in God. i don't hurt people for it.

It has a long list of negative consequences, such as many people having religious violence. Another example would be inciting hatred against pretty much everything, from Homosexuals to other religions, and in many cases, both.

and in fact it's taught me to love and respect people more.

By stoning them and telling them they are going to hell?
3,371 posts

I don't hurt people. i'm speaking for myself. And i know many other God belives like me. the majority of people who belive in God today are nice people.

3,817 posts

I don't hurt people

May I now ask your opinion on Homosexual? Abortion? Separation of Church and state? The first amendment? By the way, why did I keep Capitalizing random words?

And i know many other God belives like me

What? You are saying that the god believes like you do? Don't you find it suspicious that the god you make up in your head just happens to believe exactly what you do?

e majority of people who belive in God today are nice people.

"GOD HATES ***S!"- Random Christian
"ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH *BOOM*"- Random Muslim Terrorist.
"DIE BABEH KILLA"- Random Christian terrorist.

Nice guys ah?
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