ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
554 posts

hmm, if this will be resolved, then the man-made question will automatically be resolved, since God, if speaking about an infinite and omnipotent entity, cannot be made by man. Not even imagined, as human's mind is finite. Please don't dodge this issue any more.

yes, people can't image something infinite. We can however imagine the idea of an infinite being and we just don't think about what infinite means. And whatever you imagine about god can be made up by people since you can think about it and you are a person. Please don't try and lie your way out of this issue.
Jn 9:1-41, directly. I'm asking if someone, using only his mind, can open his eyes if he was blind from his birth.

Yes because the bible is impeccable historical evidence and has been proven right by claiming things like a flat earth and a flood where someone got 2 of every species of animal in the world on his boat which wasn't WAY to small to hold them all. Since the bible was wrong there why should it be right here.
Misunderstanding of "some" versus "all". And who here said one can't prove a negative? "Some" gods are surely made by men, like E1337's shemale, or say Baal of Mojave people in 700s BCE. "All" gods to be made by men is to be proven.

No, if there is to be a god that wasn't made by men it must have been made by some other means and exist somewhere. Since Gods can be made by men but there is no evidence of a god being made by other means so that must be proven. My argument is proven your's is not. Before you argue with this please either disprove mine or prove your's.
Okay, you believe in an invisible pink unicorn. Are there more than one?

No it was an exAMPLE. And She is the only one. And anyway you belong to this religion.

Misunderstanding of "some" versus "all". And who here said one can't prove a negative? "Some" gods are surely made by men, like E1337's shemale, or say Baal of Mojave people in 700s BCE. "All" gods to be made by men is to be proven.

Their religion is as likely as yours as shown by the earlier picture.
In case of Christianity, this is wrong, as Jesus Christ explicitly forbid stoning of a woman caught in adultery, by the reason that no one is sinless. We therefore can't condemn others even using the Bible, because first and foremost commandment is "Love God with all that you are" and "love your neighbor as you love yourself". If you love to kill others, then you should love suiciding, and even those who commit this do this out of despair.

Why should God change his mind on what is right and what isn't as he is the medium upon which all morals are based. And haven't you ever heard of martyrs. Which BTW Christianity encourages.
3,437 posts

Who here said that the Bible is a historical book? Sure enough you can't find other evidence since all people died already.

I said that a while ago, but you're taking it out of context. I said it's historical because it recorded probable events. I never said it was accurately depicting those events.

Example: Someone recorded something about a big flood. Over time it becomes twisted into a religious story and the big flood turns into a world wide flood.
123 posts

Oh man, the trolls have overrun the base.

did we do that Atheism FTW, mind you?

3,371 posts

Besides history is usally writtin by the winners. So we usally never get the full story.

9,462 posts

Oh man, the trolls have overrun the base.

Giving our view points is not trolling. Debating points being made is not trolling. And no one is restricting you from posting over there. Continuing to call it trolling and trying to silence the opposition only suggests you have a weak position.
4,005 posts

I said it's historical because it recorded probable events. I never said it was accurately depicting those events.

Still doesn't make it historical. By your logic then Star Wars is historical because it is a record of probable events which are claimed to have happened 'long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away'.

Someone recorded something about a big flood. Over time it becomes twisted into a religious story and the big flood turns into a world wide flood.

Certainly, and by the time we arrive at the 'world wide flood' portion we have absolutely nothing of any historic or factual value. What may have once been inspired by something which was true has degenerated into the realm of pure fiction. Simply because something is inspired by factual events it must remain solely factual to be of any historic value or to remain outside the realm of fiction.
25 posts

[quote]Go Christianity


25 posts

Forgive me if I make a mistake posting.. I've never really tried posting on here... It's kind of tricky.. =/

3,817 posts

Forgive me if I make a mistake posting.. I've never really tried posting on here... It's kind of tricky.. =/

I can tell. You left out the "B" on the start of your post, and instead put a "W". You may wish to avoid further mistakes like this.
3,085 posts

One word posts aren't acceptable either - I'd recommend you go check out the forum rules.

On the topic of the supposed 'global flood' - we know for a fact that no such event took place.

25 posts

What may have once been inspired by something which was true has degenerated into the realm of pure fiction.

Actually, many other cultures and religions have stories of a world flood. All the people and boats and such vary, but still the same basic story. A special person was told by their God of a flood and to build a boat. Even the Mayans, who where half way around the world from Israel, had a story such as this. Geological studies have been done on some of the older rocks they have found that prove somehow (I'm not a geologist) that a great flooding did happen.
3,371 posts

True but many river vally civilizations were flooded. So if an eygptian finds a mesopotamian and discovers they both had floods that year, what will they assume?

4,005 posts

Actually, many other cultures and religions have stories of a world flood. All the people and boats and such vary, but still the same basic story. A special person was told by their God of a flood and to build a boat. Even the Mayans, who where half way around the world from Israel, had a story such as this.

Precisely. However all this shows is that people have resorted to their superstitions to explain events which they could not have possibly understood at the time.

Geological studies have been done on some of the older rocks they have found that prove somehow (I'm not a geologist) that a great flooding did happen.

No, quite the opposite. We have evidence of large scale LOCALIZED flooding in very different time frames from place to place, but science has disproved any sort of 'global flood' as not only never having had happened, but being completely impossible.
9,462 posts

Actually, many other cultures and religions have stories of a world flood. All the people and boats and such vary, but still the same basic story.

Multiple flood stories isn't evidence of a singular flood. Also you might note that all of these come from areas that are or were near bodies of water.
3,817 posts

Actually, many other cultures and religions have stories of a world flood

Many other cultures, who lived near the water and thought the world was only a few miles long. Wonder how that could happen.

All the people and boats and such vary, but still the same basic story.

Because the boats of the people making the stories are different than the people who wrote your story. If people who had never seen a boat of such large size, like maybe the Native Americans, had written about a large arc than it may be more impressive, but people living near water who either see or fantasize about boats like this quite often and have flooding is far less impressive.

A special person was told by their God of a flood and to build a boat

Urm. Actually, as far as I know only Abrahamic religions have that.

Even the Mayans, who where half way around the world from Israel, had a story such as this.

But not using an arc, not carrying a ton of animals. Basically some one smarter than the general population thought "You know what? It turns out that every year it floods around the same time. You know, maybe I should prepare for next years now..." and put his stuff into a boat before hand, and his foresight is then attributed to a deity. Simple, ah?

Geological studies have been done on some of the older rocks they have found that prove somehow (I'm not a geologist) that a great flooding did happen.

No there haven't. Simple as that. There are few places where you would find this, not all over the world. For instance a nearby valley was once a large lake, but it was not a "flood" as you call it and it is defiantly not worldwide.
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