In this game, I (Or anyone who feels like it, really) will give a strategic scenario, involving the environment, the number of troops on both sides, the weather, any knowledge that you have, some politics behind, and the known strengths and weaknesses of both you and your opponents army. Then, the rest of the people invent a strategy in order for their troops to achieve whatever goal the "dungeon master" has set. They may ask for additional information, if needed. Then the DM states how the plan was executed, whether it worked or not, and anything else that is needed. The scenarios may be based in history or completely fictional, depending on who is doing the writing. These rules are liable to change at any time, I pretty much just based this off of the book "You Be The General" that I randomly decided to read today.
Anyone can write a scenario or participate as a general, however I think it would be simpler to have only one scenario going at a time, and the number participating in a scenario should be less than what the current DM could reply to, so please do not overload the writers. So before I start the first scenario, can I get a general idea of who will participate? For the DMs to make the game better, before participating, it would be suggested that you make a post stating a time period you would enjoy being a general in, the troops that you would most enjoy commanding (Ex. Infantry, Armored, Naval, etc), and anything that you feel is necessary on top of that. Now lets see how this goes.
what? the words in the opening statement hurt my brain, could you simplify this a little for the people like me?
Wow, this is like the third game that I made in which I have received that statement...
Basically, someone tells you what is happening, and than you tell your troops what to do. I think that is as simple as I can make it, without any detail.