I think that someone did this idea awhile ago, but I want to put my own spin on it, and if it is still going, I am sorry for stealing your idea.
"hey! wake up! Something is happening!" you hear your room-mate tell you. You are in a school, (either a boarding or a public. If public, indicate, and you are overnight in the school for a certain social project) "People are starting to act weird! I'm going to go check it out!" As he/she goes out of the door, a classmate jumps on your room-mate! still groggy, you are powerless to help, so you run past. You know that you need to do something, but what? this is where your first decisions lie.
Character sheet: Name: Age: (this helps me decide what the age group of the zombies around you are. For example, a rich nine-year old sent off to boarding school will have some small zombies, weak, but speedy. A high schooler will have stronger zombies around the school) Persona: you want to be a jock? you can be one. A gun nut? easy. most schools have cops in them now, if they're public. tech geek? ok. This helps me decide what you can or cannot do. For example, a jock probably cannot rig up a flamethrower from alternate materials withoout getting himself hurt, and a nerd probably cannot run very fast. So put down any steryotype you want.
Any questions? I kinda want some suggestions about how this game may be better too, so if you want a feature, I may add it.
The kids look at you and say, "If you want to go get yourself killed, you can. The teacher monitors told us to stay where we were, locked in our rooms. We heard that a killer is on the loose inside of here, but the doors out have been barricaded, We don't know why, but we aren't leaving this room." You see a chair that could be broken into a good-sized club.
john: You see a girl underneath a big husky guy, and it looks as if he's trying to bite her. You wonder what is going on and... Sara: You see a girl on top of a guy, looking as if they are making out in the middle of the hall. However, it looks like the girl is chewing something? so you...
If sara wants to work with you john, otherwise, she can play by herself. Also, if she isn't on, you will have to wait for my answer for both of you until you both have posted.
Alex: You push past your room-mate and... (If look for a weapon was here, then you see a piece of wood propped up against a wall. it looks like a regular 2x4. That's what the other two did, so I am giving it to you now.)
john: you slam your piece of wood into the man's head and break it in half you send so much force behind your blow. He drops to the floor. It looks like you killed him! the girl that was under him looks dazed. so you...