ForumsForum GamesShow the True Colors

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In this forum game, you are in a world where fakes exist everywhere. The most prominent of these are the fakes of the following:
Daniel McNeely

These seven people mentioned are victims of the Armor Faking Scandal. Your job is to stop the scandal for one of these people. This naturally makes the limit 7, but I will announce the official limit at the end of the OP. As for the character sheet, I will explain each part as much as I need to. Here is the required character sheet format:

Attack Rating:
Defense Rating:

Name: Insert what you want your character to be called in this slot.

Protectorate: Insert the person that you want to protect from the Armor Faking Scandal here. You may protect Daniel McNeely, John, Tony, Cormyn, Strop, Cenere, or Devoidless.

Level: This is where you insert your level. When first creating your character, insert a 1 here. Later, your character will gain levels, but this slot will always have a number that is your level.

Experience: Experience determines your level. When first creating your character, insert a 0 in this slot. Certain actions earn you experience. When you earn enough experience, your level will increase. Level gaining is as follows: 100 Exp. to reach level 2, 300 Exp. to reach level 3, 600 Exp. to reach level 4, and so on.

Attributes: There are 4 attributes, which are Strength, Offense, Defense, and Constitution. You start with 20 points to place in the four attributes. Each attribute starts at 0, and it costs 1 point to increase the attribute by 1. If you place too many points, I will adjust your attributes as I see fit. If one of the attributes does not appear in your character sheet, I will adjust your character sheet accordingly. No attribute may finish at 0. Every time you gain a level, you gain 5 points to increase your attributes. Each attribute has a meaning and effect:
Strength improves your damage (I will explain damage later).
Offense improves your attack rating (I will explain attack rating later).
Defense improves your defense rating (I will explain defense rating later).
Constitution improves your HP (I will explain HP later).

HP: This is basically how tough you are. HP stands for hit points. Insert a number based on the following expression:
10+(5*level)+(2*Constitution)+special property bonus from a weapon or armor
In other words, you start with 10 HP, add 5 times your level, and add 2 times your Constitution. Since level and Constitution must be at least 1, the bare minimum number of HP is 17. If you take damage in combat, you will have less than the calculated HP, aka maximum HP. For example, if you are a level 1 character with 3 Constitution, your maximum HP is 21. If you are at your maximum HP, just insert that number. If you've taken damage, this is what the HP slot will look like:
HP: current HP/maximum HP
If the example character above took 5 points of damage, the slot would be:
HP: 16/21
If your current HP ever reaches 0, you must wait for revival before you can continue playing.

Weapon: Insert the name of your weapon here. Each weapon has a base damage and special properties. Some weapons are considered magical. Magical weapons are better versions of normal weapons and have a Version # after them. When first creating your character, your weapon is called Stick. The Stick has a base damage of 2 and has no special properties. For this weapon, the Weapon slot would look like this:
Weapon: Stick (2)
If the weapon has a special property, the property is added in parentheses along with the base damage. A weapon called Accurate Sniper Rifle would be shown like this:
Weapon: Accurate Sniper Rifle (5, +10 attack rating, ranged)
Your weapon changes when you accept an offer to change your weapon to one you find.

Attack Rating: Insert your attack rating here. This number affects your chance to hit an enemy in combat. Your attack rating uses the following expression:
50+level+Offense+special property bonus from a weapon or armor
In other words, start with 50 and add 1 for each level and Offense that you have. If you hit with an attack, you deal damage according to your character sheet.

Damage: Insert your damage here. This is how many HP an enemy loses when you hit it with an attack. Damage is based on Strength. To calculate damage, divide your Strength by 10, then add 1. Then multiply that number by your base damage. If the final number is not whole, round to the nearest whole number as follows:
If the tenths place is 4 or lower, round down (e.g. 4.4 -> 4)
If the tenths place is 5 or higher, round up (e.g. 3.8 -> 4)
Damage only works if you can hit, so make sure to keep your attack rating up.

Armor: Insert the name of your armor here. Each armor has an Armor Score and special properties. Magical armors have Version # after the name of the regular version. Your starting armor is Clothes, which has an Armor Score of 1 and no special properties. This is how Clothes would look like on a character sheet:
Armor: Clothes (1)
A later armor that you might encounter is the Spike Mail. This is how the Spike Mail would look like on a character sheet:
Armor: Spike Mail (6, 3 thorns)
Like weapons, armor can change if you accept an offer of a different armor.

Defense Rating: Insert your defense rating here. Your defense rating reduces an enemy's chance to hit you. This is the expression used to calculate defense rating:
Armor Score+Defense+special property bonus from a weapon
Having a high defense rating makes it harder for enemies to hit you, which means that you will take less damage overall.

Thorns: Insert your thorns number here. This number is 0 unless your armor says # thorns as a special property. When an enemy hits you, it takes damage equal to your thorns number. Do not confuse thorns with damage resistance. Even with thorns, you always take the full damage of an enemy's attack.

Now that I have explained how the character sheet works, I shall explain the rules as follows:

About Character Sheets: Every post must include your character sheet. When I address you, I will check your most recently posted character sheet. If the sheet is wrong, I will correct it and post the corrected version to address you. Enemies have a simplified version of the character sheet as follows:
Experience Value:
Attack Rating:
Defense Rating:
The Experience Value is how much experience you gain for defeating the enemy.

When a Character reaches 0 HP: If your character ever goes down to 0 HP, your character needs to be revived. If you know that one of the characters in the game is at 0 HP, you may attempt to revive the character. A successful revival brings the character to maximum HP. If your character is at 0 HP, you may not do anything with your character. Revival generally doesn't affect the story of the game, but sometimes it does. If a revival fails, I will explain the requirements to revive the character. Sometimes, a revival attempt will lead to combat. Victory will earn you experience and revive the character.

Combat: When you encounter an enemy, you have the option to enter combat with it. Combat works as follows:
You go first (always)
In combat, each combatant has a target number that consists of Attack Rating minus the opponent's Defense rating. I will roll a d100 many times. Meeting the target number means rolling less than or equal to it. If a combatant has a target number of 100 or higher, it always hits. If a combatant has a target number of 0 or lower, it always misses, and the other combatant wins without taking any damage. When you attack, I will roll a d100. If I meet your target number, your opponent takes damage. I will then try to meet your opponent's target number. If I do meet the target number, your character takes damage. I will run combats on my own and will announce the outcome of a combat.

Logistics: Read the sticky on playing an RPG to find out the rules. Two main points are: Don't cheat, and I decide the outcomes, not you. If you decide to enter combat with an enemy, I will announce the two combatants and run the combat. Then, I will address you and tell you the outcome of the combat. If you gain a level, I will tell you that you have done so. Once I have told you this, you need to update your character sheet according to your new level and post your next action. I will wait for the player limit to be reached before starting the game. If you join the game by posting your starting character sheet, I will make sure that the sheet is correct and give you a background. You may not post any actions until I say so (this will be when the maximum number of players is reached). The limit is 5 characters.

Story Explanation for the 5 Character Limit:
No 2 characters may have the same Protectorate. Once 5 characters are created, 5 of the 7 people that need protection will be protected. The other 2 will fall victim to the Armor Faking Scandal. Your ultimate goal is to defeat your protectorate's impersonator. These are the impersonators and their targets:
Calvin Dultrey is impersonating Daniel McNeely
Legion1350 is impersonating John
brp47 is impersonating Tony
Ernie15 is impersonating Cormyn
Pazx is impersonating Strop
SupaLegit is impersonating Cenere
Matrix is impersonating Devoidless
The impersonators whose targets are not selected will be created as enemies at the end once everything else is complete. Once all the impersonators are defeated, the game is over and will be announced as such.

  • 9 Replies
2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Protectorate: Cenere
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Strength: 7
Offense: 6
Defense: 4
Constitution: 3
HP: 21/21
Weapon: Stick (2)
Attack Rating: 57
Damage: 4
Armor: Clothes (1)
Defense Rating: 5
Thorns: 0

First off, I have to hand it to you that the idea is very original, and the whole explanation of the RPG is very... well, explicit. Impeccable I would say, in most, if not all levels. How intricate it is must be what made me like it most. However, it might be what can make people steer clear from the game just on the face of it, which I find ridiculous, considering how nicely it's all laid out. I would hate to be so pessimistic as to suppose it, but what would happen if fewer than five people decide to join?

12,319 posts

Name: Tegael
Protectorate: Cenere
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Strength: 7
Offense: 6
Defense: 4
Constitution: 3
HP: 21/21
Weapon: Stick (2)
Attack Rating: 57
Damage: 3
Armor: Clothes (1)
Defense Rating: 5
Thorns: 0

I only needed to make one correction to your character sheet. You posted your damage as 4, but my calculation showed your damage to be 3.4 which rounds down to 3, not 4. As for your background, you have seen Cenere several times before the Armor Faking Scandal began. You were in your house when Cenere knocked on the door. He said, "The scandal has begun, and I need you to protect me from my impersonator." I will give you more info once 5 characters are made so that you can post your first action. As for your question on what happens if fewer than five people join, I will simply wait for five people to join, even if it takes a while.

1,761 posts

Not to spam, flame, or be off topic, but i dont think this game will be a popular one. The ammount of reading, while not hard to read it all, will make players say "to much reading, not playing". I also find that the story is hard for ME to understand, keep in mind, just me and my opinion. I think it is very complex, but to complex for some of the general community

2,752 posts

my calculation showed your damage to be 3.4 which rounds down to 3, not 4.
Oh, little detail; rounded Strength instead of final damage, lol.

I will simply wait for five people to join, even if it takes a while.
What scares me is the possibility of them not joining. Is there any way this can start with fewer people, should things look too bad for this game?

The ammount of reading, while not hard to read it all, will make players say "to much reading, not playing".
That's what makes me feel that this game might be doomed to get insufficient players. But let me tell anyone (potential players) reading this right now that it's not tiresome to read the description of this game! It doesn't take an hour, and is very interesting after you've checked it all.

I also find that the story is hard for ME to understand
Are you considering joining? If yes, please ask from Patrick to explain further.

I think it is very complex, but to complex for some of the general community
And I am afraid you're right there, too. I guess quite a few members of the community are well below 15 or 16 years old, and might not even be interested in this game. But for the rest, there seems to be no reason for this to look overly complicated.
12,319 posts

What scares me is the possibility of them not joining. Is there any way this can start with fewer people, should things look too bad for this game?

I am willing to wait until April 11th. If 5 players haven't joined by then, I will start the game so as not to make existing players give up.
12,319 posts

Name: DBX
Protectorate: (read the OP, but don't insert Cenere)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Strength: (read the OP)
Offense: (read the OP)
Defense: (read the OP)
Constitution: (read the OP)
HP: (read the OP)
Weapon: Stick (2)
Attack Rating: (read the OP)
Damage: (read the OP)
Armor: Clothes (1)
Defense Rating: (read the OP)
Thorns: 0

Your character sheet was completely wrong. When a slot says (read the OP), read the OP to determine what to insert. I have the following things to say about each problem:


Idontknowwhatyoumeanbythis is not an option for the Protectorate slot. The OP contains your options, but Cenere is already taken.


You are a level 1 character with 0 experience, not a level 12 character with 17689 experience.


Your attributes must add up to 20. You must also have at least 1 in each attribute.

HP: 78

Once you've determined your attributes, read the OP to figure out what to insert in the HP slot.

Weapon: Ragnarok
Attack Rating: ???
Damage: 50, 000

I see multiple problems with this. First of all, your starting weapon is a Stick, not Ragnarok. Your Attack Rating and Damage depend on your attributes. Keep in mind that the Stick has a base damage of 2.

Armor: leather armor
Defense Rating:lame
Thorns: wut

Your starting Armor is Clothes, not leather armor. Your Defense Rating must be a number, which is determined by your armor and Defense. "wut" is not an option for Thorns. Your Thorns value is 0 to begin.

Just some lame hacker trying to past the game with ragnarok. Storyline is the world is attacked by monsters, bla-bla-bla, saving the castle and the princess, bla-bla-bla, Helix is the cause of all this fuss. save the wolrd, bla-bla-bla, but most important, have fun killing monsters and saving girls/boys (I dunno if I made him g@y or not...).

Hacking is not allowed in this game. Also, I decide the storyline, not you. Please make your character the right way before April 11th, and I will decide your beginning story.
12,319 posts

Playing with only one or two characters is boring, so I will not run the game unless I see at least three proper characters by Monday.

12,319 posts

What the hell? Is this about killing me? Seriously, You should have told me about this so I can jump around the room and have a party.

This game is fictional, but is based on the last events of TTICA.
12,319 posts

Since there is only one proper character, I am not going to run this game.

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