The continuation of Memetia Legends Part 2! [quote=part 1 Intro] After the Armature Incident, the world of Memetia was facing peril. Most of the wildlife and vegetation was mutated or destroyed by bombing of the surface. Those who remain have either made remote settlements ore struggle under the regime of an oppressive alien force.
There have been rumors that some of the veterans that lived through the incident at the source have appeared after nearly fifty years thinking they all died. They may be allies, but they may have been what caused this whole incident...
FOR THOSE WHO PLAYED PART 1: You can insert the original character sheet as an application, and you will receive the gear you kept at the end and be placed in a unique situation.
FOR THOSE WHO JUST STARTED: Don't worry, you can still start here, and you will be able to play the story from this point.
Character Sheet Name: Athlete: Mind: Body: Race: Origin:
(Stats cannot go below 1. But still, prepare for... Unforseen consequences.)
Name: Kinda self-explanatory.
Athlete: Speed and Endurance. Some things can only be avoided by straight running.
Body: Strength and Overall Endurance
Mind: Intelligence and Charisma. What's a good game without a puzzle?
Race: What part of Memetia you Hail from.
Cheezburgian: The most well-liked of anyone. Also, runs faster than average, and has gained more strength than before the Incident from forced labor in the Collective cities in Memetia. Body 6, Athlete 5, Mind 7
Chanian: Generally hated and stupid, they bulk up to Hulkish levels to compensate. They, however, have gotten a little brighter in the need of the epic wasteland that is now their home. Body 8, Athlete 6, Mind 5
Youtubian: In the 50 years, the Youtubains had to fix their cybernetic implants that have been broken since the invasion. This makes their bodies lighter, allowing for an easier time with athletics. Body 6, Athlete 4, Mind 9
Trollix: A more rebellious type of the aliens, they invaded Critizuela, wiping them all out. They decided that this would be a prime opportunity to break off from their oppressors. Body 6, Athlete 6, Mind 6
Origin: Determines stat modifications and the start of the character's story.
Laborer: An oppressed people who were forced to work in the Collective work camps. It's mind-numbing work, but it makes muscles strong. +2 body, -2 Mind.
Vansibane: Hermits that study the secrets of magic. Intense meditation makes them a little atrophied, but they can have a much more well-developed mind than normal. -1 Body, -2 Athlete, +3 Mind
Colonist: People who live in colonies other than the Collective cities. Stat-wise, they don't lose or gain anything.
Mercenary: A gun for hire. There's no charm to these cold soldiers of fortune, but they are more athletic and have more endurance than most. +1 body, +2 Athlete, -3 Mind
Survivor (VETERAN ONLY): Those who survived the Armature incident. The class for anyone who is re-using a character from Part 1. Keeps the same stats and equipment as they left with. [/quote]
You careen into the base, gunning down guards along the way as Vigilance BENDS THE BASE'S WALLS INTO ITSELF. You reach a giant room that's pitch dark when the door closes itself. You hear a deep, somewhat feminine voice.
"Ah, two Brotherhood spies posing as mercenaries. I bet you thought you would make me would believe that the boat you were on was destroyed and you were going to collect compensation, then secretly place a bomb on my desk to kill me. Am I right?"
Vigilance: Judging by that voice, it's CIC Gaia. If I'm right, a bomb would have been useless since she would have found and disarmed it. Nah, at this point I would have just had my little retard friend here get convinced by his invisible magnificent ******* friend to shoot you in the face.
CIC Gaia: I would have loved to see that plan fail. No, you'll die here and now. I won't take the risk of insisting it be my own hand that spills your blood when it's much more efficient this way.
i SHOW dEMYX hADES, THE FIRST PROJECT OF THE SUPER SOLDIER PROJECT. This is the first we tried with genetic experimenting. We could turn you into one if we had dna from one.
Nameemyx Nove Athlete:2 Mind:9 Body:6 Race:Youtubian Origin: Survivor Karma: 800 Affinity:Water --------------------------------------- Armor: Shadow Cloak Weapons Equipped: Iridium Katana Bullet(Barrage), Water. "Bakugami" Magic Grenade Launcher: 99 Grenades, 100/100 Mana Electric Guitar: 600/400 Mana Beam Shotsniper: Ice Mode Magic Hand: 1000/1000 Mana -------------------------------------------------------------- Group Leader: Demyx Nove Members: Silent Beaver, Jack(kingjac11), Justice Group Rank: Class D
SB: Well, you could either take a direct sample that would be perfectly intact, but that's hard to do what with all the scales and it would probably piss them off. We could find a shedded skin of one, but you'd need multiple skins and would limit you to the ones that actually shed, like the Steel or Wind ones. And of course, there's a third option, but that involves seducing one. Even for Hentains, that's really hard.
Hades is just the arrogant, agressive, gun-jumping type he was when he was normal, but with super=powered abilities and a slight neural change that makes him loyal to Atlas. He also has a lot of scarring similar to Renegade Shepard from Mass Effect 2. Of course, Zed could just fix that with some Youtubian Cosmetic Surgery. Also known as "Put a machine part on it." It would have to be a transform ability though, since in continuity he looks like a normal Youtubian.
You shoot Vigilance with your Spy Pistol in the tail, and she doubles over. The flash reveals a hundred mounted guns aiming at you.
CIC Gaia: Oh look, a Brotherhood spy pistol. Well, it looks like you need to die now. Fire the cannons!...What? The cannons aren't ready? Then send someone down to fix them. Also, send the person who installed them to "inspect" them from within the room.