3 days ago i sumbited a game " Kingdom Keeper" when i search it, the game doesn't show.If you know this problem pls post here.Sorry if my english is not perfect
I believe AG first has to review the game, see if it's something they want on their site
Armor Games does a review to make sure there is no spam, and then after a while, they might turn it into a game. I depends on the status of the game.
The problem is your game is reviewed by armor games for quality control and I'm pretty sure they tell you if it's good in about 5-7 days.
Yes i know but where can i see if they will submit my game?
The homepage has all the newest games.
Btw grats on the game
Basically, if the game is accepted, it will appear on the New games page in a weeks time max.If it isn't accepted, it wont appear on the new games page in a weeks time max.
What program did you use to create the game?
Adobe Flash Player its a swf file
well, good luck, what kind of game is it?
Well, I'm looking forward to playing your game!
Well... It's been over a week. I would say AG has not accepted the game. Sorry.
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