Seems like a good book. if you look at the description it talks about what you will learn. here's what it says:
Discover how to * Build and control basic movie clips * Make text appear and change * Generate random numbers * Add sound effects * Create cars and space vehicles that move realistically * Blow up stuff onscreen
sounds like a great book to me but just wondering if anyone has read it and thought it was good. or if anyone has a better book (thats specific to making games in flash)
I personally don't like the dummies books, because they don't have the most credible authors and I have had a couple bad encounters with them. Also the book you linked it horribly outdated, 2005.
I would recommend this one solely because it's newer and goes into the packager of the Iphone and cs5 development. It also has a nice website with all the game that the books goes into developing.
Thanks, i didn't even see that. i was about to buy it too lol. also, just so i don't have to make another post: macromedia flash, does it program in actionscript? is it just a outdated flash cs5? since it's free i was hoping that it's a good program