so ive been playing around in macromedia flash 8, which is as2 btw. and ive had a lot of fun teaching myself various things to learn to make a game. so far today ive learned how to control a object with the keys. with my mouse. and how to make walls so it doesn't go off screen. plus i messed up when making walls, so that when i went to the top wall it just pushed me to the side. since i put X rather than Y in the code. which taught me how to make a speed pad/tredmill lol. but now that i got some of the uber basics out of the way. what should i learn next? how to shoot? making enemies? i did some searching i found to much stuff that is really advanced.
You probably shouldn't be learning specific things on specific parts of a game but should just try getting better at programing in general. One way to do this is to challenge yourself to make a certain program such as the 8 kings problem.
I would have to agree with master here, although I seem to promote AS3 a lot
Once you've learned to understand programming better, you won't really have to look at a problem as 'how do I shoot' - you'll automatically break it down to separate functions, variables, etcetera.
I guess what I'm trying to say is once you've learned to program better, things will fall into place by themselves, without having to rack your brain for the solution
So i spent alot of time researching this. and i can't find any basic programs to make. it sounds like a great wa to learn and stuff. but the only tuts i can find are on specific things, any advice? links would be great if you would go throught the trouble.
You don't have to learn through tutorials, If you know how to use a recursive function than try figuring out how to do the 8 kings problem yourself. If you want you can try using recursion on a real chess board and figure out the problem manually but this can take a while depending where you place the first queen.