ForumsForum GamesGoogle Earth RPG

3 1991
12,319 posts

In this game, your goal is to take over as much territory in the world as possible. You do this by creating an empire and managing it. I can see all empires on Google Earth, so you decide actions, not outcomes. Your starting location can be one of the following:

San Francisco
Washington, D.C.
New Orleans
Mexico City
New Delhi
Cape Town

This is what your sheet must look like:

Ruler Name: (insert what you want your ruler to be called here)
Starting Location: (insert your starting location here)
Extent of Empire: (insert the radius in miles of your empire here)
Followers: (insert the number of followers here)
Attack Power: (insert a number here)
Defense Power: (insert a number here)

Ruler Name: This should be self-explanatory

Starting Location: Choose from one of the allowed starting locations, but no 2 players may have the same starting location. This is where your empire is centered.

Extent of Empire: This is how many miles your empire extends from your starting location. It starts out as 25 miles, but can be expanded as an action.

Followers: This is how many people support your empire. It improves actions and is required for expansion. Your followers start out as 50,000, and you must have at least 1,000 followers per mile of extent.

Attack and Defense Power: When in conflict with another empire, your Attack Power is compared to the opponent's Defense Power and vice versa. The comparison of attack to defense ratios determines who gets what territory. When resolving a conflict, I will snip the territory in question, turn it into an image, and post it for reference. When first creating your empire, insert 2 numbers that add up to 30 for these 2.

The limit will be 10 players, but play starts immediately after 1 player begins, so don't be late.

These are the actions:

Expand Empire:
Your extent increases by a number of miles anywhere from 2 to 16.

Give a Speech:
Your amount of followers increases by anywhere from 6% to 48% of your previous amount. This number will always be rounded to the nearest thousand.

There are three types of mobilization:
Offensive: Add 2 to 8 attack
Defensive: Add 2 to 8 defense
General: Add 1 to 4 attack and 1 to 4 defense
Mobilization lets you conflict with other empires more easily.

You may only post 1 action at a time. You may not post another action until I determine the outcome of the original action. Once 10 empires are created, I will create 3 rebel empires with unused starting locations. Rebel empires start with 10 miles of extent, 25,000 followers, and attack and defense ratings adding up to 15. Rebels can only expand from 1 to 8 miles per expansion, but otherwise act like normal empires.

Special Situations:

Sometimes, you will encounter special situations. These are the situations:

If an empire is surrounded by water and/or other empires, it is considered enclosed because empires cannot expand across water unless it has at least 300,000 followers. An enclosed empire cannot expand. Instead, it is considered under siege and will be annexed by enclosing empires in 1 day per 100,000 followers of the enclosed empire. If an empire has control of an entire island, it must reach 300,000 followers before expanding further.

Imperial Choking:
If an empire expands within 5 miles of another's starting location, the affected empire is choked and annexed by the empire causing the choke.

Annexation of an Empire:
If an empire annexes another through enclosure or choking, the annexing empire gains all territory within 25 miles of the annexed empire's starting location. If the annexed empire was that of a player, the player is out.

Ocean Travel:
If an empire reaches 800,000 followers, it can create a colony across the Atlantic of Pacific Ocean. The colony can be in a starting location that is not in anyone's territory. The colony is basically a separate empire and has its own sheet.

The game ends when one player is left after ten come.

  • 3 Replies
3,028 posts

Sorry, dude, but I don't think "Take-Over-The-World" RPGs are going to be joined by anybody. :/ Still, interesting topic...

2,420 posts

Ruler Name: Kevin Trolls
Starting Location: Buenos Aires
Extent of Empire: All of Argentina
Followers: 49 Million
Attack Power: 26/100
Defense Power: 86/100

12,319 posts

Ruler Name: Kevin Trolls
Starting Location: Buenos Aires
Extent of Empire: All of Argentina
Followers: 49 Million
Attack Power: 26/100
Defense Power: 86/100

You cheated! Here's what you did wrong:
1. Buenos Aires is not an allowed starting location.
2. The Extent of Empire is 25 miles and is always expressed in miles.
3. You have 50,000 followers, not 49 million.
4. Your attack and defense power must add up to 30. Also, they are not #/100 because there is no limit to attack or defense power.
Post again the right way, and you're in.
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