In this small little game you must vote 3 people that you think are the most famous.After 10 posts i will count up the sum and see who is the most famous.Then continue with that score until we come to the most famous user on the armor games. The first user to get to a score of 50 will be the most famous. Please judge the user by its AP,Armatar looks,rank,activity and posts.
This is an excample:
Player 1:Razerules,Kingjac11,Ubica88 And on and on until 10 posts have passed. Me:Razerules-7 Ubica88-5 Kingjac11-2
I remember when I had votes the last thread that was made. Like, a lot. Spring semester kills your activity T_T
Magegraywolf--Strong debater in the WEPR, though also pokes around in user comments and the Tavern. His major activity lies in the intellectual area, while being a user for a very long time.
GhostofMatrix-- He's the guy that makes sure people have their questions answered and people in the video game forum have their facts and reasons straight. If you can't find a mod or admin to help you out with something common, he's your guy. He has the activity to compliment the willingness as well.
Cormyn-- Aside from being one of the developers of AG3, he also shares his activity 95% of the time with the AG3 forum; he provides information to the public as to what is going to be added or fantasized in ArmorGames version 3, and makes sure that people like Freakenstein have their AG3 facts straight.
I also remember in the last thread that we had to give reasons for why you chose X, Y, and Z, lest your vote didn't count. Maybe we should do that from now on? Some of you guys did it, but others didn't. It's not really meaningful to the votee if you just drew his name on a whim, right? Great~
Not trying to take credit away from John, but he's only got six votes, not seven. From the way I look at the votes, this is the way they stand. Also, Calvin should have three, not one since he voted for himself on all three of his votes. ._.'
Ok look sherlock. John does have 7 votes.If you look 1 page back,scrool all the way down until you find a user called neno.He voted for john. Also calvin has 1 vote because he cannot vote himself 3 times.So i gave him 1 vote.
Sherlock? Lulz.. Alright, let's have a tally of who voted for John. Megaman, KingJac, Fantasy4Life, TheGr8est, Nemo and myself. Unless, I'm missing someone. ._. I count that as six, not seven.
...interesting.... Matrix (He pops up everyone on the Forums), John (Because everyone plays his games), and me. Just kidding. Number three would be Ernie I think.
Sometimes people don't think Dan made the website...a lot of people were asking Firetail if he made AG... -.-'