ForumsForum GamesThe Paths of Ten Warriors

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You live in some random place in the world that has wildlife and opportunities to become a warrior. This is the required format for the character sheet:

Defense (the attribute):

Name: Insert the name of your character here.

Class: There are 3 classes, each of which has different stuff.
Fighter: Weapon is Long Stick or Accurate Short Stick. Armor is Basic Armor. HP is 30 plus 5 per Constitution point.
Defender: Weapon is Stick. Armor is Leather Armor. HP is 40 plus 6 per Constitution point.
Barbarian: Weapon is Knife or Powerful Stick. Characters of this class begin with no armor. HP is 25 plus 4 per Constitution point.

Level: You start at level 1. When you gain a level, your character improves as will be explained later in the OP. I decide when you gain a level.

Attributes: Your attributes are Strength, Offense, Defense, and Constitution. To begin, these 4 attributes must add up to 18. Also, no attribute may be 0. When gaining a level, add 5 points to your attributes (total, not each).

HP: HP stands for hit points. This number depends on class, Constitution, and level. Gaining a level adds 10 HP.

Weapon, Attack, and Damage: Your starting weapon depends on class. If you chose Fighter or Barbarian, you have a choice of 2 weapons. These are the effects of possible starting weapons:
Long Stick: Base damage is 4.
Accurate Short Stick: Base damage is 2. This weapon adds 5 to Attack.
Stick: Base damage is 3.
Knife: Base damage is 6.
Powerful Stick: Base damage is 5. Your Strength is raised by 2.
The two weapons in italics are magic. Magic weapons are more powerful versions of their counterparts. Attack is compared to Defense when attacking. Your % chance to hit is your percentage of Attack of Attack and opponent's Defense. Attack is calculated as follows:
Attack=10+Offense+level+other bonuses
When you hit, your damage is calculated as follows: Divide your Strength by 10, add 1 to the result, then multiply that result by your base damage.

Armor and Defense: Your starting Armor depends on class. Basic Armor has an Armor Rating of 1. Leather Armor has an Armor Rating of 2. Like weapons, armor can be magic. Defense makes you harder to hit. To determine Defense, add your Armor Rating and Defense attribute together. Also add any bonuses to Defense from magic weapons and armor.

Now that the character sheet has been explained, it is time for some logistics:

1. The limit will be 10 characters.
2. Once 3 characters are created, play begins.
3. The player of a character at level 10 or higher can challenge another character of level 10+ to a PvP duel. The winner automatically gains a level unless the character was at or above level 20. In that case, I will decide whether the character levels up or not.
4. I will scale opponents to fit your character.
5. No hacking or cheating! If something is wrong, I will correct your character sheet. If you are too wrong, I will simply tell you that your character is not acceptable.
6. Once 5 characters are created, I will create an NPC that will play the game separately. This counts toward the limit.
7. If your character goes down to 0 HP in combat, I will tell you this. If that is the case, the NPC will attempt to revive you. If there is no NPC, you must wait for the NPC to be created.
8. Once a character reaches level 30, that character must fight the Devolver, which is the final boss. Other characters are also finished. Once the Devolver is defeated, the game ends.

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Name: Tegael
Class: Barbarian
Level: 1
Strength: 9 (+2 from items)
Offense: 5
Defense (Att): 3
Constitution: 3
HP: 37/37 (I guess there are no bonuses from "gaining a level" from level one; I mean our starting HP is solely the one defined by class and constitution, no bonus for 'being level one', right?)
Weapon: Powerful Stick
Attack: 16 (when you said "+level" you meant "the number that represents our current level", right?)
Damage: 10 (or is it 9.5?)
Armor: Basic Armor
Defense: 4

12,319 posts

Name: Tegael
Class: Barbarian
Level: 1
Strength: 9 (+2 from items)
Offense: 5
Defense (Att): 3
Constitution: 3
HP: 37/37 (I guess there are no bonuses from "gaining a level" from level one; I mean our starting HP is solely the one defined by class and constitution, no bonus for 'being level one', right?)
Weapon: Powerful Stick
Attack: 16 (when you said "+level" you meant "the number that represents our current level", right?)
Damage: 10 (or is it 9.5?)
Armor: none
Defense: 3

First, I will respond to everything in parentheses:

(I guess there are no bonuses from "gaining a level" from level one; I mean our starting HP is solely the one defined by class and constitution, no bonus for 'being level one', right?)

That is correct.

(+2 from items)

Good idea putting item bonuses in parentheses.

(when you said "+level" you meant "the number that represents our current level", right?)

That is correct.

(or is it 9.5?)

Damage is always a whole number, so your damage is 10.

I also have a correction to make. As a barbarian, you start with no armor, so your Defense is 3. As for the story, I will wait until 3 characters are created (only 1 per player) before giving out background stories.
2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Class: Barbarian
Level: 1
Strength: 9 (+2 from items)
Offense: 5
Defense (Att): 3
Constitution: 3
HP: 37/37
Weapon: Powerful Stick
Attack: 16
Damage: 10
Armor: None
Defense: 3

you start with no armor
Sorry, forgot that. Well, I guess this is what the sheet should look like now.
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