Name says all (P.S get the idea from myself so give him credit)
Paarfam is crying because he is cunfuzzled.
Paarfam is crying because he's got three a's in his name
Muncher is crying because he has 0 a's in his name.
How hard was that compared to Paarfams (name)?
Muncher is crying because he got ninja-ed.
Paarfam is crying because eveybody talks about his name
Kasic is crying because he is the sun (;
acmed is crying because he missed me
hehe, NO!Muncher is crying because I never did miss him
Acmed is crying for hurting other people's feelings.
maverick is crying because his wolf isnt scary
Snakesballz is crying because he has yet to know what fear is. >
maverick is crying cause his wolf luvs meh
Snakesballz is crying because he knows that my wolf Armatar loves him... for dinner.
Maverick4 is crying because I have no dinner
acmed is crying because lazer colllection 5 is only out on 31st
Thread is locked!