After three-hundred years of continous, nonstop fighting between the Republic of Odesplate and the State of Macerator, the Maceratonians plan the end invasion. Consisting of a some 100 thousand warriors, they plan, with a crushing blow, to end the Desplatians once and for all. But there are strong, semi-impregnable fortresses built around the Desplatian territories. Which side will win? Will the invasion be succesful? How will the defenders react?
It is your choice: Macerator or Odesplate?
Warrior: Bonus to melee attack: Starting equipment: Sword (AP1*), wooden shield(DP1*), leather armor(DP3), leather helmet(DP2). HP +20 AGILITY-2 STRENGHT+2 RANGED+/-
Archer: Bonus to long range arrow attack. Starting equipment: Bow(AP2), 10 bodkin(anti-armor(AP4) arrows, 50 normal arrows(AP1). HP-10 AGILITY+1 STRENGHT+/- RANGED+20
Skirmisher: Bonus to short range Javelin, sling, or rock attack. Starting equipment: wooden shield(DP1*), leather armor(DP3), leather helmet(DP2), 10 throwing spears (AP7).
Chivalier: Bonus when on horseback. Starting equipment: Weak lance (AP2) wooden shield(DP1*), leather armor(DP3), leather helmet(DP2), HORSE
Citizen no pros or cons. Best if you want to do what you want. Starting equipment: Clothes (AP0), 50 bronze coins.
House Data Furniture: Small Straw Bed,
Player sheet
Name: Class: (choose a class Bio: (small story of character's life. Country: Inventory: Equipped weapon: Total AP: Equipped armor: Total DP: Hunger: None Thirst: None Wounds: None House: Small House Furniture: Small Straw Bed, fireplace, wooden eating utensils, wooden plates.
------(you have 10 points, 1 point =10HP or 1 of any ability, then add class strenghts/weaknesses)-----
Strenght: (+1 for melee attack such as swords, spears, etc...) Trade: (Better bartering prices for armor, weapons, and items.) HP: (increased life and endurance) Agility: (faster and endures more) Ranged: ( +1 attack with ranged weapons such as bow and sling.)
* -attack power. AP is how much damage an enemy receives. **-defense power. DP is how much damage you resist
Name: Tegael Class: Chivalier Bio: A man who grew up away from the lands in war, and who ultimately decided to help defend his country and bring an end to the war between the two factions. Country: Odesplate Inventory: N/A Equipped weapon: Weak Lance (2 AP) Total AP: 15 Equipped armor: Wodden Shield (1 DP), Leather Armor (3 DP), Leather Helmet (2 DP) Total DP: 6 Hunger: None Thirst: None Wounds: None House: Small House Furniture: Small Straw Bed, fireplace, wooden eating utensils, wooden plates.