Every time ten people or more post after the last time you posted, you post any one person's name with a bite. This is a bite. The only way to get rid of a bite is to bite someone else. When your bitten, all posts must be made with a bitten sign...
A==A \\VV/
...OR if anyone can do better please do so.
P1: (bite symbol) LiLRick is bitten P2: (bite symbol) P1 is bitten P3: (bite symbol) P2 is bitten etc. LiLRick: (bite symbol) P1 is bitten P11: (is not bitten so no bite symbol) P3 is bitten
This game looks like an interesting idea, somewhat, but what is to be posted between the two bites? Ten posts are quite a few for 'not specific conversation', it could easily become spam.
spartadestroyer is bitten also i agree with p1a2r3i4s5 this requires little actual discussion mostly just "i bit (person above.)" could we try to make this more of a thing that requires some words?