ForumsProgramming ForumHow can i relate progress with the armorgames' user's account?

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14 posts

How can i relate progress with the armorgames' user's account?
I mean, i could store the saved game as flash temporary data, but if the user loggins in another machine, everything is lost. Does armorgames support that feature?

  • 12 Replies
14 posts

no support??

2,399 posts

You don't need to double post, somebody will answer eventually.

I think you mean. "If I go to another computer can I pick up where I left on in a game'. And that answer is no. If a game saves it saves to your harddrive, not to your AG account.

2,763 posts

AG has a user to game api, this is evident in exit path and some other games. But that was only for some cloud storage of information like levels and equipment. I haven't seen a flash game website that stores all temporary flash data on a cloud server.

14 posts

I dont see why not. Saved games are usually very light, i think that holding a forum like this one would require more resources to maintain than a server that holds saved games to registered gamers.

2,763 posts

It's probably more taxing and requires a lot of work to set up. It would be nice and I expect to see that in the near future but it's not here and now. If a user played 1000 games and there were a 1'00'000 users and each is accessing that and uploading to it.. you can see how it can get complicated but interesting non-the less. Once videos games are actively using the system then I would expect to see it soon pop up on flash game websites.

14 posts

Darkroot i get your point, but a forum with 1,000,000 users, where each user has about 5000 posts, and a profile, and private messages, etc... is just a regular forum, so i dont see where is the problem of saving a billion games for each user. Remember that user posts in forum take up, generaly 1 to 100kb of text. A saved game takes that or much less. We could limit the maximum saved game size and game designers would know the limit.
We could expire saved games with more than one or two years to free up space.

I think its a thing that's easily done.

2,763 posts

The point I was making is not the amount of information but the amount of stress of people accessing it. The forums are pretty emptyish compared to how many people play games. Also I don't really see much of a point in the system due to there not being many multiplayer or very long games on AG. How many people play on multiple computers?

14 posts

I know lots of people who play on multiple computers. Like people who play at work and then continue playing at home.
Stress? Forums have more stress than this, believe me. Transfering ~1kb or 2kb of data in one request per gameplay is nothing compared to the stress of opening a simple html page per every 30 seconds or even querying a forum's database.

I know, hundreds of people who get disapointed about losing their games. Myself included.

14 posts

Even if, i really mean "if" the stress was huge, game designers could provide a simple database hosted by them (usualy they have personal servers) to save their games' saves. But as i said, there's no need for that. Saving lite data is very easy, non stressful, and its already done out there. THAT would make armorgames more powerful. Remember amazon success rule: Personalize the page for each user based on what they want, what they look for, and what they need. Make them feel special, remember each and every user and treat them differently. In armorgames that would mean for example, each user would have a list of games that he could love most, according to a history of past played games. And of corse, saves would be saved too.

Another example:
Darkroot. Imagine you're self visiting a forum. Then go to your profile and make a signature with 100 full lines of text. Then preview your signature like, one hundred times per minute. While you're doing that, 1,000,000 of people are doing the same to your signature, by viewing your posts. Do you think the server will crash by that? Think on the amount of GigaBytes that are transfered in a minute like that!! That happens for real and servers can take it easily. So, if saved games are smaller, why couldn't they?

2,763 posts

I know, hundreds of people who get disapointed about losing their games. Myself included.

I don't really see people complain on not having a cloud structure most people just don't want their cookies to disappear if they do something to their comp. Flash games are inherently short. So I don't really see what the problem is. Multiplayer games already have server access and that's pretty much all the matters really. The vast majority of people play on their own computer. If your playing at work and school well you probably should be doing something more productive anyway. Why not just wait till you get home and play?

Sure it could be implemented in the future but how many times do you go back to play games and expect save files or want them?

Remember amazon success rule: Personalize the page for each user based on what they want, what they look for, and what they need. Make them feel special, remember each and every user and treat them differently. In armorgames that would mean for example, each user would have a list of games that he could love most, according to a history of past played games. And of corse, saves would be saved too.

Didn't a bunch of Amazons server just get owned? I remember reddit going into read only mode since they were somehow integrated with Amazon and they even go down sometimes due to just the sheer traffic. So it's not really that good of an example.
14 posts

I don't really see people complain on not having a cloud structure most people just don't want their cookies to disappear if they do something to their comp. Flash games are inherently short. So I don't really see what the problem is. Multiplayer games already have server access and that's pretty much all the matters really. The vast majority of people play on their own computer.

1st, i never saw people complaining on not having a cloud structure too, just about saved games getting lost.

If your playing at work and school well you probably should be doing something more productive anyway. Why not just wait till you get home and play?

2nd, why selling weapons? People should live in peace and avoid war.

Sure it could be implemented in the future but how many times do you go back to play games and expect save files or want them?

3rd, i've talked about expiration dates before didnt i?

Didn't a bunch of Amazons server just get owned? I remember reddit going into read only mode since they were somehow integrated with Amazon and they even go down sometimes due to just the sheer traffic. So it's not really that good of an example.

4th, yes even big organizations make mistakes, i dont see their servers having problems often. Actually, i never saw! Anyway, who wins more money? Armorgames or Amazon? Learn with the big ones to get big too.
2,891 posts

We make the AGI user save system available to game developers who choose to use it, but we don't make it mandatory.

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