A long time ago, when the world of Xyronia was peacful... The wars... The suffering... It all begun in the year 2000 of the Last age of Peace... Each thousand years the eight emperors of the great realms of Xyronia gathered for a great feast at the Central Island. But this year, it was different. The beggining was normal, as always, they thanked the Gods for the gifts of peace and prosperity. But then... A very bright red light appeared on the sky. A giant flaming stone fell on the Central Island... The emperors were killed, but the heirs, they seemed to be possesed by the taint from the stone. They started to wage wars against each other. Strangely, the common people were not affected in any way. That day, The Age of Wars begun...
The suffering continued for thousands of years... Today it is the year 3047 TAW. The ancient prophecies speak about eight great heroes from each realm of Xyronia. They shall save the world... The wars have been long predicted, but no one really cared. The destiny of Xyronia lies in the hands of these eight heroes... Will they save Xyronia, or will the realms destroy each other? This is a question that will be answered in the near future...
The realms of Xyronia are: The Empire of the Men, The Eastern Human Empire, The Nord Empire, The Empire of the Elves, The Republic of the Dwarves, The Reptus Tribe Confederacy, The United Orc Tribes of Garrazo and The Sacred Realm of The Centaurs.
The Empires of the Men are inhabited by humans, The western men are skilled Swordsmen, The Men of the East are masters of the blade and very skilled assassins. The Nords are a ruthless race of humans, very skilled with axes. The elves of the island of Carrnaris are very skilled archers, they would defend their home to the last man. The Dwarves are short, but they are very strong, they have the best armor in all of Xyronia. The Reptus are a reptilian race living in the deserts of Xirr-Benji, they are very resistant to large heats and colds thanks to their scales. The Centaurs are very good with bows, and they are very mobile too.
We need 8 players. One from each empire. The sheet:
Name: Age: 18+ Faction: (Choose one) Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: (I give) Secondary: (I give) Armor: (I give) Bio: (Anything you want )
Name:Stalin ironsmith Age: 25 Faction: The Republic of the Dwarves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Secondary: Armor: Bio: Came from a long line of royal armor smiths that made armor for even the Orignal emperor and the current one. has many burns and scars from working metal.
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Secondary: Armor: Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
Name: Zor-tech (first and last name pronounced as one word) Age: 27 Faction: The Reptus Tribe Confederacy Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: (I give) Secondary: (I give) Armor: (I give) Bio: Trained by his father in the ways of swords man ship (if there is magic in this game) and magic till he died. At his death bed he told his son he was destined to be the hero of his realm.
Name:Stalin ironsmith Age: 25 Faction: The Republic of the Dwarves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Small Axe (2-4 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Leather vest Bio: Came from a long line of royal armor smiths that made armor for even the Orignal emperor and the current one. has many burns and scars from working metal.
Your once rich family line is poor now, because of the taxes for the war... One day you get a strange letter, on wich is written: "Tonight, when the moon will be on the highest point in the sky, go to Hazak-Hum Hill behind the town and wait there." What will you do?
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Hunting bow and arrows (2-5 dmg) Secondary: Small dagger (1-3 dmg) Armor: Leather vest Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
One night in your birth village something strange happened... Longboats and ships are appearing on the horizon... The Nords are attacking! They are plundering the village ruthlessly. This is not a small bandit attack, this an invasion! The Nords are burning down the village... Then you notice a crow on the tree. It seems you can understand what it talks about! The crow wants you to follow it... What will you do?
Name: Zor-tech (first and last name pronounced as one word) Age: 27 Faction: The Reptus Tribe Confederacy Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Shortsword (4-5 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Desert hare skin shirt Bio: Trained by his father in the ways of swords man ship (if there is magic in this game) and magic till he died. At his death bed he told his son he was destined to be the hero of his realm.
One day, you are on the way to Benjir, the nearest town, to sell the goods from your village. You feel that the sands are softer than usually. Your little caravan is ambushed by bandits! The bandits kill one of your friends and capture the others and you too. After days of being dragged around, a crow sits down next to you. The crow then flies off and kills the bandits! The crow destroyed the chains of your friends, but yours not... Your friends escape, and only you and the crow are there now... What will you do?
Name:Tom Razer Age:25 Faction:The Empire of the Men Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: (I give) Secondary: (I give) Armor: (I give) Bio:Tom Razer is from the empire of the men.Very skilled with a sword and a bow but bad at magic and stuff -_-
Name: Age: 20 Faction:The United Orc Tribes of Garrazo Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Secondary: Armor: Bio: The star of his village, a great young fighter of the tribe. His elders have predicted great things of him, but only they know what he is destined to do.....
Name:Viet Anh Age: 21 Faction:The Men of The East Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: (I give) Secondary: (I give) Armor: (I give) Bio: Was born in a assasin family his father and mother has always raised him to be a Assasin.
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Hunting bow and arrows (2-5 dmg) Secondary: Small dagger (1-3 dmg) Armor: Leather vest Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
After making sure I have taken with me everything I need, I follow the crow, as it asks.
Name:Tom Razer Age:25 Faction:The Empire of the Western Men Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Sword (5-6 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Leather vest Bio:Tom Razer is from the empire of the men.Very skilled with a sword and a bow but bad at magic and stuff -_-
Since you didnt specify Eastern or Western men, and one of the below players took the Eastern men, you should be Western. Anyway..
You and your family are living in a small village near the border with the Dwarven Empire. You know that in the mountains there live dragons, but they usually remain peacful for a long time. The dragons remain neutral, they pick no sides. Never. And they would never attack anyone without a reason. But one day, everything is different... A dragon appears in the sky, spitting flames and burning your village... The only option is to escape, or die there... You see a strange black trail leading into the forest... Is it safe to follow it? What will you do?
Name: NAME PLEASE. YOU FORGOT IT. Age: 20 Faction:The United Orc Tribes of Garrazo Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Two handed axe (8-9 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Stone armor Bio: The star of his village, a great young fighter of the tribe. His elders have predicted great things of him, but only they know what he is destined to do.....
One day, the village chieftain sends you out into the forest to hunt. While hunting you see an injured black deer... On one side, an injured animal is very easy to kill, but on the other side, you have never seen a black deer... You have never even known that black deers even exist... And the injured animal may have diseases too. What will you do?
Name:Viet Anh Age: 21 Faction:The Men of The East Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Dagger (3-4 dmg) Secondary: Throwing knives (1-2 dmg) Armor: Black leather armor Bio: Was born in a assasin family his father and mother has always raised him to be a Assasin.
A young assasin in training, living in a large town. You come from a poor family but both your parents were assasins. They raised you to become one too. One night while you were in a tavern, a strange man asked for something. He asked for someone to be killed! Your first ever mission! He gave you the address and the name. The name of the target is Saul Shadowdark, and he lives in a small hut outside the town. Will you accept the mission?
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Hunting bow and arrows (2-5 dmg) Secondary: Small dagger (1-3 dmg) Armor: Leather vest Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
You have everything you could take. The crow takes you deep into the forest. Then it turns into a man, dressed in a black robe. He says: "This was predicted to happen... You had to leave your home and family, just to fulfill your destiny... This was the only way how to get you to leave..." You ask him what destiny he is talking about, he just says: "You will find out soon..." Then the man turns back into a crow and flies away... What will you do now?
Name: Ooka ogra Age: 20 Faction:The United Orc Tribes of Garrazo Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Two handed axe (8-9 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Stone armor Bio: The star of his village, a great young fighter of the tribe. His elders have predicted great things of him, but only they know what he is destined to do.....
I slowly walk up to up to the deer, preparing to leap on it....
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Hunting bow and arrows (2-5 dmg) Secondary: Small dagger (1-3 dmg) Armor: Leather vest Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
Not knowing what that 'crowman' was talking about, I head back to my village in order to protect it from the invading forces of the Nords.
Name: Zor-tech (first and last name pronounced as one word) Age: 27 Faction: The Reptus Tribe Confederacy Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Shortsword (4-5 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Desert hare skin shirt Bio: Trained by his father in the ways of swords man ship (if there is magic in this game) and magic till he died. At his death bed he told his son he was destined to be the hero of his realm.
(some friends i have, abandoning me) HEY! YOU GOING TO LET ME OUT OF THESE CHAINS?...i feel stupied talking to a crow...
Name: Sev Age: 21 Faction: The United Orc Tribes Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: (I give) Secondary: (I give) Armor: (I give) Bio: Loves smashing things.
Name: Ooka ogra Age: 20 Faction:The United Orc Tribes of Garrazo Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Two handed axe (8-9 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Stone armor Bio: The star of his village, a great young fighter of the tribe. His elders have predicted great things of him, but only they know what he is destined to do.....
As you prepare to leap on the deer, it saw you, even while you were well hidden... It looks at you with... Red glowing eyes? The deer is walking into your direction... What now?
Name: Tegael Age: 20 Faction: The Empire of the Elves Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Hunting bow and arrows (2-5 dmg) Secondary: Small dagger (1-3 dmg) Armor: Leather vest Bio: An elf that has defended his homeland since the day he learnt how to use a bow. Tired of having to witness the constant slaughter the war has brought about, he decided to try to put an end to the fight raging between the empires, one way or another.
The path you came into the forest, simply disappeared... Its gone... You have never seen that path from the village either... But one thing is clear: You cannot return to your village anymore. Another way out of the forest leads to road. The road leads to Gopril, the nearest city. You could go there and warn the local lord about the Nord invasion. What will you do?
Name: Zor-tech (first and last name pronounced as one word) Age: 27 Faction: The Reptus Tribe Confederacy Money: 10 Gold Weapons: Primary: Shortsword (4-5 dmg) Secondary: None Armor: Desert hare skin shirt Bio: Trained by his father in the ways of swords man ship (if there is magic in this game) and magic till he died. At his death bed he told his son he was destined to be the hero of his realm.
The crow starts talking... It says: "I will probably let you out later... But I am here to inform you that you are destined to do great things. But I know that I am not the first one to inform you. Your father didnt tell you everything though... Its up to you to find out. This will be your first test of your skills. Free yourself from these chains. I will turn them into ropes to make it easier for you." The crow disappeared and the chains turned into ropes. There is your bag nearby. The bandits maybe took it. You can reach it! What will you do?