HI PPLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok all you have to do is create a riddle and try to solve the one before you. it'll be fun! i'll start...... when you pull me, you enter. when you push me, you leave. I am the boundary between old and new places. i go to the right, i go up down left, and sometimes split in half! what am i?
power goes out in a hotel. 3 doors open. One room is fire, one is spikes, one is hall. you go down the hall. 3 more doors appear, you again choose hall, you repeat this 4 times until you reach a room. Saw appears on the screen. you have to choose a way to die, electric chair or fire? which one would you choose and why?
When I'm young I am tall, when I'm old I am short. What am I?
A candle?
You come as a tourist to a place where no one speaks your language. you need to get a haircut and somehow know that their is one barbershop on North. street and one on South. Street. You also know that one barber is known for the best haircuts in the world and the other barber gives the worst haircuts in the world. Knowing this you go inspect both shops; the one on North. street is really clean and the barber has a really good haircut, the one on South. street is extremely dirty and the barber has an ugly haircut.
Where do you go to get a haircut and WHY? Explain thouroughly.
You could've answered them before someone else/before the hints were given, then.
what did the one peanut say to the other peanut?
"You look like you were assaulted!"?
(ps, that's a really cool riddle about the splinter)
Thanks, I searched for a while before finding one this good.
this has been said too many times. try to check if your riddle has been said by going back a few pages.
I appreciate that you pointed that out before I got the chance to. Makes me look a lot less annoying, since I post fewer posts complaining about people who would not give a flying **** about others and look a few pages back. Wait, I did it again, didn't I?
Also because the South barber probably gave the North barber a haircut, and the North barber gave the south barber a haircut.
That's exactly what iMogwai said a couple of posts ago.
So, looking back, there's crazyape's 'riddle', crazymont's riddle (who is the greatest being on earth, though nearly no one knows he exists?), Hypermnestra's riddle (What can lift a tree, but cannot lift a pebble?), and, most recently, acmed's riddle (when i touch the markings they disappear but with trace of me behind).
i think that we should ignore crazyape's riddle, because it's demented, the almost no one thing is also one that i think is never gonna be solved because it's also kinda weird, and the third one is WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i think) see, trees float in water, and if you put one in the water at the bottom, it get's lifted up, but a pebble sinks and doesn't get "lifted." (i figured that out while i was in the middle of writing this post)
A blue house is made of blue bricks. A yellow house is made of yellow bricks. A red house is made of red bricks. An orange house is made of orange bricks. What would a green house be made of?
the almost no one thing is also one that i think is never gonna be solved because it's also kinda weird
However, crazymont being the one who started this thread, as well as relatively active in it, he could be giving the answer (if there is one) any time soon (hopefully).
and the third one is WATER
I think so, so, one more down.
*hand slap to face*
Did you mean "*facepalm*"? Left with, well, crazymont's riddle, acmed's riddle (when i touch the markings they disappear but with trace of me behind)... which I just got! I kept thinking I knew this one ('markings' was quite misleading), but all that came to mind was "encil". It obviously was wrong, but "eraser" fits the bill. And to give us a second riddle: What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
By the way, thaboss, were two of your four riddles on page 39 from a youtube video? Just curious.