HI PPLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok all you have to do is create a riddle and try to solve the one before you. it'll be fun! i'll start...... when you pull me, you enter. when you push me, you leave. I am the boundary between old and new places. i go to the right, i go up down left, and sometimes split in half! what am i?
My source, although nearly dried up, is quite reliable.
is the answer to p1a- what ever your name is, no offence, but is it a star?
It indeed is not. And, no offence either, but my account name is only a few pixels away from this text. Oh, and how does a star stay in a corner? And, since you're around, would you at last care to answer a 'riddle' you asked a while ago?
You throw away my outsides, you cook my insides, you eat my outsides, and you throw away my insides.
*about to express his anger in as soft a way as possible* Well, yet another riddle which has been posted here in the past. Seriously. You can't help but post without checking a few pages back. Really. Why? Just for once; why?
how far can you walk into a forest?
And a riddle that has been posted here again... *walks away for about 5 minutes* *comes back* All right. I won't comment further.
No one put up a riddle.
Yet mine is still unanswered. Although thaboss knows the answer.
more evil than the devil
That they are. Other than Tacky. I don't think she's evil. Or she's great at hiding it.
and... for your riddle, p1a2r3i4s5, the answer doesn't make perfect sense. it doesn't have to go around the world. it could go to places a lot closer, and never see most of the world. (but i still get it)
aaaaaah. can we move foward now? here's another riddle. I am shown to you every hour. you use me to fix yourself. every one in the world has me. when you do something, i do it the same way. when your lonely you talk to me. now, i can't reveal the riddle for a while cuz im going to new york to see family but ill be back monday.
Is it just me, or does this seem unlikely to be the answer to your riddle? Because, since you didn't quote exactly what you said that to, I would have to guess it's supposed to be the answer.
Please just re-post it, I really don't want to go back 10000 posts to find it.
35* posts. Thirty freaking five. I feel I've already said too much by mentioning it's on page 41.
for your riddle, p1a2r3i4s5, the answer doesn't make perfect sense. it doesn't have to go around the world. it could go to places a lot closer, and never see most of the world. (but i still get it)
I know, but we're talking about the majority of cases here, I guess. You can't have a 100% perfect riddle. So, what? Am I supposed to let the cat out of the bag?
And, about that last riddle, I'll consider it further and then post again.
What word has 6 letters and when you take one letter away only twelve remain?(not "thirteen"
What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in?
And finally, what is 1+1?
11 or 2.
1 What runs but never walks what has a mouth but never eats what has a bed but never sleeps? 2 How can you have lived for 80 years but be only 20? 3 Your in a room without windows and all walls are there including ceiling and floor there are no holes how do you get out?