Game: The first person on a page states a rule which has to be followed for the rest of the page. Than the second person (following the firsts rule) states another rule that has to be followed for the rest of the page. On the last post the person makes a sentence following all the rules of the page. The rules than reset and the person on the next page states the first rule again.
Person 1: Remove all E's from your sentence.
Person 2: Mak your sntnc all upprcas (make your sentence all uppercase).
Person 3: RMOV ALL PUNCTUATION. --- Last Person on page: THIS IS TH LAST SNTNC ON TH PAG (this is the last sentence on the page)
First Person on next page: Type your sentence backwards.
Notes: 1) Please make rules specific (like remove certain letter) and not general (like remove all vowels)
2) If your sentence becomes so unreadable please put the sentence you intended to type in parentheses so people understand.
I'll make the first rule: Remove all E's from your sentences.