I found this really successful on another forum, so I thought why not add it here?
The goal is to post more then one time in a row adding 1 point each time you do so, and to reach 100 points. In order for it to count, each one of your posts need to be 20 minutes at the least apart from one another.
Oh, I like quite a few of the genres out there. In a way, the ones I am fond of might be so many it would be more convenient for me to post what kind of games I don't like; namely action games (the ones with the crosshair, to be specific... was never good at shooting fast, shooting with accuracy and shooting before I am shot) and 'horror' games. I know that's quite general (and don't consider me as someone unable to play L4D, lol), but scary faces/scenes/monsters/whatnot are not something I am a fan of. If I had to pick a favourite, I think it would definitely be RPGs. Never ORPGs - such as WoW - for various reasons (I would state them if asked, just too bored to number them all right now ); single player RPGs ftw! Currently waiting for DA2 to arrive, as well, although that will be after Easter, most probably :S. What about you?
Oh, and remembered another random fact; Did you know... there are twice as many kangaroos in Australia as there are people? The kangaroo population is estimated at about 40 million!
I've played a couple of Square Enix's games myself, can't recall them now (one of them was Kingdom Hearts for PS2), but I don't know what an "Otaku" is.
Well, did you know... the Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because, when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building?