Origin:Once animals and humans were friends but then a wicked trickstar called highwalker tricked the animals into thinking that humans were bad! Character Sheet: Name: RaceIf animal write which animal) FactionNature,Martial Arts,Brute force or Army tactics) WeaponOnly include this if human also i specif what weapon you have when you pick your faction)
Bamboo rings? k!The throw there bamboo rings at my skipping rope nunchuks and my soldiers they just bounce off the speed of the rope just blocks it.What now?Firebreath is still a option...
My Rabbits and me close the distance and circle lions still using the skupping rope nunchuks as a shield.
It burns the skipping rope nunchuks and the lions are out of my area in seconds.
Level up!(For me)
Name:Jumpy Ghostface Race:Rabbit Faction:Army Tactics Weapon/s:Carrot Grenades Alignment:7 Strengh:3 Agility:11 Defense:4 I got 5 more points to share through my atributes now.
Name of KingYou need a king) Name of QueenThis one doesnt have to be filled in) Name of Prince/sDont have to do this one) Name of Princess/sOr this one) Name of NationBritish,Scottish,Irish,ETC) PopulationYou can start off with 10,The population right now is either Stringbeans,Weak dandys or Neanderthals,Strong Scruffbags) E.G. 2 stringbeans and 8 neandethals. AgeAll start off in stone age) LawJust a few laws,keep them simple) TaxesWhat is the tax for the 2 different type of people?) WagesHow much does the people get paid doing there jobs?) AreaDescribe the area you start your city on)
They collect alot and now youre fort is...well...Awesome!
Name: Certec Izor Race: Human Faction: Brute force Weapon: Sword
You guys are like, playing by your selves, sooooo...yeah. I'v seen the show before it got canceled, it was decent, guess i will play. So can i be with high ruler or do i have to be big green?
Name: Certec Izor Race: Human Faction: Brute force Weapon: Sword Alignment: Strengh: Agility: Defence:
It isnt canceled its just on later,so your on Highwalkers army?(Highruler)Also could you fill them in?When you fill them in I will have to decide your weapon.You have 20 points to share through the 4 atributes.