Any item that must be made at a forge the items can be found quite easily. You will need one item from the shop (or an item you've already crafter) and on item you must find. The items you find for forge crafting are ALWAYS at a shrine on the world map. By shrine I mean a smaller icon on the world map.
For anyone looking for the Hidden Forge it is South of the screen before the final boss.
All items that I've found you can craft have a quest associated with them except the talisman armours.
I'm yet to find a use for cured leather, fine wood, solid plates, gold orbs etc.
The best pet I found was the frost anaconda. I managed to get hold of a lich thing egg (3rd tier skull) but I finished before it hatched, I still think the snake would be better due to its attack style.
I would recommend always getting Tier 3 melee special attack. It's very useful in a tight spot and can 1-hit all but the strongest enemies if used correctly. Other than that it's preference really.
Boss tactics. Tier 3 poison to slow it down, quickly hit it to a wall, then drop every Tier 2 spell you have under it. Keep it pinned to the wall and hit it with Tier 2 and 3 melee when you can. Usually they only get a couple of hits on you in between stuns, so just heal up this damage with potions or spells.
The only exception to this tactic is the final boss. For him, use a frost anaconda and get the boss between you and your pet. Once he's there just take turns hitting his back-side dropping any Tier 3 spells you have when you can. Make sure to keep your pet healed with spells or potions, if he dies the fight is very hard.
i cant seem to find what to do after i killed the boss that drops hyperion's blood, i did the 1 quest in the snow village town but can find anything plz?
So any solutions to the glitch, where you are completed over 100% e.g. I have a few quests that are completed 127% or whatever number over 100% and I can't turn the quests in, but I killed the right amount?
umm im stuck, i only have titanization quest left and i have unlocked everythign else, and i dont have a sapphire sphere to do titanization, what else do i need to do?