This should be a guide of any crafting combos anyone has found. when you find a new one, post it here.
Nvm i foun in the shop
What i need blood of Lepatus For ????????????????/
It's for a gate to unlock it.
Thx I figured it out 2 mins ago, But........ Where i get seal of Magi???????????
Here's a map for it
The map has the things you needed or to accomplish
Whoa were get that???????Btw Thx A Lot
Like Raze
I Need Blue and red shards... But like impossible to get
Farmed for them ( Tried To Farm ) But... Got ne of each in 45 - 50 minutes Not metioning that i got 2 blue shards and 2 red shards in 2 hours and 15 minutes After that i quit :|
Any Suggestions? Plz Help I need to farm them fast
I need 11 blue shards and 16 red Shards
Lastly How Do U get Cursed Kris
I Mean What Are the Ingredients For Cursed Kris In Theis Forge? Please Help Out Thx
Here's a crafting guide:
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