ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet

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1,373 posts

This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!

First planet: Earth
Goal: Develop life

Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?

Planet: Earth
Heat: Too hot
Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases
Condition: Mainly liquid
Life: Plants: None; Animals: None
Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen
Era: Precambrian

  • 837 Replies
1,761 posts

Zyba, talking about your thing with dragons, you cant just "give" them arms and the likes, i mean, you could say "I try to make it so they have arms" which spore could allow or disallow, but then, your just posting random things about species going extinct. Now your trying to make the same thing, but funny? Ok, i understand, i get mad and get WAAAAYYYY off topic in this game, and pretty much "assert" myself up, but im pretty sure....

Your doing it wrong

And @ spore, i was just saying what was wrong with the post about teaching mammels to eat plants and meat. The fruit from the flying plants gives calories, like say, 50 from one fruit, but thats all. I was just stateing that because the "food" for the plants that comes from photosynthisis is automaticcly "fed" then eating plants leaves would be pointless, and thus, him saying for mammals to eat plants would be pointless, because they get no neutritional value.
1,126 posts

I thought restarted when we started spore.
So I must say "I tried"? Does not seem to make such a difference. Okay then, I'll put "I try" before typing the ideas.

"I try" to
-drop the sea level causing part of the sea serpent population to evolve on to land. In this (hypothetical)evolution, they grow limbs and lungs, creating what could be called the first land dragons.

Is that okay?

1,761 posts

We didnt start spore, and we didnt restart anything. I believe you are confused. And for the record, we already have lizards, which are snakes with arms and lungs. I understand not saying "I try" before every sentance, but the way you said it sounds like you are TELLING him that this happens, not SAYING that you want this to happen, or DOING the action of causeing this.

1,126 posts

"I want"?...jkjk just stop with the rants.
When I said "restart" I meant that you guys(and if there are, girls) "created" another planet with different species. Alright then, continuing with what we're suppose to do- and that is to be gods of this planet, creating, explaining, and changing events that occurr in this planet.

Those land dragons are larger lizards whose are of the sea serpents.

1,255 posts

ok than i try to make their intelligence high and train with them so their intelligence gets higher and higher than i try to make them eat meat and plants than after that i try to make their body parts very hard very hard so they can defend their self and make more of the mamals so we can have more pop of mammals

1,126 posts

Dude, you're going to make him(them) rant again with that demand. Besides, plants in this planet do not give nutrition.(except perhaps, their fruit...)

1,255 posts

look you are not the host so dont anservw my actions the host will do the anserwing not you

13,701 posts

... i seriously feel like nuking two idiots....

1,373 posts

Planet: Earth
Heat: Warm
Atmosphere: 74% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 25% Oxygen
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Plant golems; Animals: Small mammals, Fish, Sea serpents, Insects, Metroids; Others: Hive golems, Hollarazors
Continents: S. America, N. America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, India
Goal: Evolve Sentient life
Era: Pliocene
Era ends in: 5 posts
Progress to Sentience: Hollarazors: 60%, Sea Serpents: 48%, Plants: 40%, Golems: 21%, Metroids: 45%, Fish: 20%, Insects: 21%
Prison: Nobody

I slowered the time scale! It was going too fast. It wouls arrive at present day in about 9 posts, that way too quick.

.... lets make it to where the metroids learn how to work as a team better.

They now make teams where each member of the &quotack" is specialised in a certain thing. One is for hunting, one for defending, one for draining etc.

Oh... Sea serpents evolved -grew limbs and lungs, and are now considered the first land dragons.

The sea serpents already breathe with lungs. They are still big water snakes, reptiles that breathe air. Like whales, they must go up to breathe. And they have no reasons to grow limbs. Snakes had a reason to get rid off limbs, so they did. If there is no reason, they wont do it. Try using the limbed land reptiles to create big lizards.

I just want to say one thing to Spore...

Disallow the I raise there Intelligence...Because if we keep saying that it would be just to easy...


I Increase there blood capacity in there body so that more blood flows trough the organs...
Mostly The Brain so that there brain can have more functions and stuff.

I just want to say one thing to Spore...

Disallow the I raise there Intelligence...Because if we keep saying that it would be just to easy...


I Increase there blood capacity in there body so that more blood flows trough the organs...
Mostly The Brain so that there brain can have more functions and stuff.

Yes, I agree. I already limited people saying it to a degree, when the creature cannot increase intelligence without a different improvement. For example- No, no examples... Anyways...
The blood flow has greatly increased! They have now a steady supply of oxygen into their brain, allowing them to think faster! Also, the blood capacity increased their endurance too.

One, breaking an egg does not increase your increase the complexity of your genetics.
Two, eliminating a certain number of members of a species does not cause the rest of its pack to float into the sky causing extinction of that pack(nest).
Three,(in the Tribal stage) When I've killed all or domesticated all of a pack, they should not be able to create more wild offspring.
Four, oh...hmmm why do all species come from an egg?
Am I participating correctly, or am I suppose to add instead of deduct?

Talkin about spore, right? This is really off topic...

Zyba, talking about your thing with dragons, you cant just "give" them arms and the likes, i mean, you could say "I try to make it so they have arms" which spore could allow or disallow, but then, your just posting random things about species going extinct. Now your trying to make the same thing, but funny? Ok, i understand, i get mad and get WAAAAYYYY off topic in this game, and pretty much "assert" myself up, but im pretty sure....

Your doing it wrong

And @ spore, i was just saying what was wrong with the post about teaching mammels to eat plants and meat. The fruit from the flying plants gives calories, like say, 50 from one fruit, but thats all. I was just stateing that because the "food" for the plants that comes from photosynthisis is automaticcly "fed" then eating plants leaves would be pointless, and thus, him saying for mammals to eat plants would be pointless, because they get no neutritional value.

So, the plants use up all the energy they get immediatly. They dont store it, so the leaves dont have a nutritional value. The fruits do have calories, as one of few storages of energy. Probably stored for the next generation. Have I got it kind of right?

I thought restarted when we started spore.
So I must say "I tried"? Does not seem to make such a difference. Okay then, I'll put "I try" before typing the ideas.

"I try" to
-drop the sea level causing part of the sea serpent population to evolve on to land. In this (hypothetical)evolution, they grow limbs and lungs, creating what could be called the first land dragons.

Is that okay?

How would you try to drop the sea level? Otherwise it is kinda okay...

"I want"?...jkjk just stop with the rants.
When I said "restart" I meant that you guys(and if there are, girls) "created" another planet with different species. Alright then, continuing with what we're suppose to do- and that is to be gods of this planet, creating, explaining, and changing events that occurr in this planet.

Those land dragons are larger lizards whose are of the sea serpents.

The dragons you are talking about have limbs, right? Then why would you evolve them from a sea snake?!

ok than i try to make their intelligence high and train with them so their intelligence gets higher and higher than i try to make them eat meat and plants than after that i try to make their body parts very hard very hard so they can defend their self and make more of the mamals so we can have more pop of mammals

The mammals got intelligent, but then they evolved shells and they lost the intelligence. With a hard shell, they dont need brain.
1,761 posts

Yeah, thats pretty much it. I then have the plants begin to create a sub species of parasitic seeds that can embed themselves into creatures of meat or flesh, and drain neutrients from them, eventully growing into large pods inside of the animal that will crack and many more "seeds" will come from the pod that will drain the host from all neutrients until it is an empty husk, and once the host is done for, the young seeds then seek a new host, and countinue with growing, turning into pods, spawning more seeds, ETC. If you require more clarification, please tell me.

2,081 posts

i shred up some trees to make books. then i write down very good wisdom into the books. then i give the books to the hollarazors.

after doing that i create a sub-species of hollarazors called hollarazorspartans.

1,255 posts

now they have shields i work on their brains so i can make a very strong creature of them high defenced and intelligent animals i work on them so hard so they can have hard shields and a very strong brains at the same time and i try to work on 10 mammals that have hard shield i try to give them some very sharp claws

1,761 posts

spartan, no one can read yet XD the hollarazers cant read. And your creating a subspecies with a different name, but nothing else different, are you just trying to say you want your own version to mess around with?

1,126 posts

How would you try to drop the sea level? Otherwise it is kinda okay...

The rapid growth of the plants causes their roots to creep back toward the ocean, very gradually draining the ocean water from the ocean toward inland, (like I said) very slowly lowering the sea level. Also, snakes do not have legs because they live in locations with either large trees to grapple on to, or require small crevices to hide in which(includes soft ground). But what if the are on barren cliffs and hills? They would need legs, with/without wings. ( this information is based on an 1 hour episode of Hawking talking about aliens) Oh right, insert "I try" or "I want" before the event of the plant growth.
4,049 posts

I Give some Manners to the Hollarazors....
This means that they will not go and sleep where they want...
Each Hollarazor has his room which he will share with his family..
Also They will share some stuff to other Hollarazors...
I also learn them how to eat properly....
Instead of just getting fruit and eating it instantly...They will now eat fruit slowly...Like gentelmen...

Also I give the ability to sing for the Hollarazors...
This will give somekind of culture for the Hollarazors

Showing 406-420 of 837