ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet

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This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!

First planet: Earth
Goal: Develop life

Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?

Planet: Earth
Heat: Too hot
Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases
Condition: Mainly liquid
Life: Plants: None; Animals: None
Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen
Era: Precambrian

  • 837 Replies
44 posts

My golems get better and more specialised brains, with one lobe for sight, one for motor skills, etc.

1,373 posts

The Andian tribes unite against the foreigners! A nomadic tribe called the "Slevans" moves into Europe. They might cause some trouble... The starvation in Persia, in 1248 killed many people...

And a bonus! How the world might look like in the future!:

Planet: Earth
Heat: Cold
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 24% Oxygen
Persia: Leader: King Xerxes V.; Population: 330 000; Races: Mammals (91%), Hollarazors (9%); Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Perseopolis

Saudi Arabia: Leader: Rakkal VII.; Population: 330 000; Races: Hollarazors (84%), Hollarazorspartans (4%), Hybrids: (7%), Mammals (5)%; Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Mekka

Union of Serpent Tribes: Leader: Derrty III.; Population: 270 000; Races: Land serpents (70%), Sea Serpents (30%); Religion: Artism (70%), Gods of the Seas (25%); Capital: Serpenterra

Rimian Republic: Leader: The Senate; Population: 320 000; Races: Hollarazor Hybrids (80%), Hollarazorspartans (15%), Hollarazors (5%); Religion: Islam (20%), Rimian Paganism (80%); Capital: Rim

Yucan Empire: Leader: Yocis Potez; Population: 200 000; Races: Mammals (60%), Hollarazors (40%); Religion: Sun God (100%); Capital: Chiche Qitza

Sianian Kingdom: Leader: Ramankaeheng V.; Population: 200 000; Races: Hollarazors (70%), Mammals (25%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: Islam (10%), Bihidism (90%); Capital: Bangh-Kog

Azatac: Leader: Monatuzma III.; Population: 100 000; Races: Mammals (60%), Hollarazors (40%); Religion: Sun God (100%); Capital: Tenaktittlax

Sparta: Leader: Leonidas III.; Population: 150 000; Races: Hollarazorspartans (90%), Hollarazors (7%), Mammals (3%); Religion: Spartan paganism (80%), Islam (15%), Rimian Paganism (5%); Capital: Sparta

Norrdas: Leader: Harald Hardars; Population: 110 000; Races: Mammals (40%), Hollarazors (55%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: Gorman Paganism (95%), Islam (5%); Capital: Kodan

Bertinna: Leader: Grythwirr I.; Population: 100 000; Races: Mammals (60%), Hollarazors (40%); Religion: Gorman Paganism (70%), Rimian Paganism (30%); Capital: Glazgow

Chenan: Leader: Xi Ching I.; Population: 80 000; Races: Hollarazors (70%), Mammals (25%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: Islam (5%), Bihidism (95%); Capital: Baijeng

Apacker Tribes: Leader: Swift Serpent; Population: 70 000; Races: Hollarazors (50%), Mammals (40%), Hollarazorspartans (10%); Religion: Great spirit (90%), Sun God (10%)

Andia: Leader: Ganadoh I.; Population: 200 000; Races: Hollarazors (60%), Mammals (40%); Religion: Bihidism (60%), Islam (40%); Capital: Dallay

Intelligent life:
Hollarazors: Tech level - 34; Medieval era
Hollarazorspartans: Tech level - 28; Classical era
Hollarazor hybrids: Tech level - 27; Classical era
Mammals: Tech level 36; Medieval era
Serpents: Tech level: 23; Classical era
Deltas: Tech level: 5; Stone age
Sea serpents: Tech level: 10; Iron age
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Grasses, Shrubs; Animals: Mammals, Fish, Land Fish, Sea serpents, Land Serpents, Insects, Metroids, Lizards, Riptozonians; Others: Hollarazors+Sub-types, New golems
Goal: Develop a civilization
Year: 1 400 AC, 1 200 AR
Era: Pleistocene
Era ends in: 8 700 years
Progress to Sentience: Plants: 55%, Metroids: 50%, Fish: 24%, Insects: 22%, Tigrex: 30%, Golems: 60%, Riptozonians: 60%
Prison: Nobody

I want my gollems to be sentient!!! I have them learn about seasonsand they learn to build fires in the winter and the colder parts of spring and fall. Then they begin to mark their territories with different symbols depending on the tribe.

Ok, intelligence increase.

i try to expand my emperory and city to the part that we call china today i try to get some ppl there and make another city there named babylon !! i try to make crossbows with exploding ammo for my soldiers and for my ppl that have respected me and helped me from now i send free food supply for them cause i have milions of milions food available on my lands and storages and ... i try to make full armors for horses and riptonights ... i try to make long spears and call the yari and give them to some well trained ninjas and call them yari ninja and ... i try to advanch in anything is possible

The Andians are in the way... You already have many cities in your empire! Not only the one capital... You give the people much food but the next year there is a blight of wheat! Many people starve! There are no horses. But you already have many kinds of armor. you makie long spears.

You forgot to put land fish on the progress to sentience, or is fish and land fish sentience related somehow?

Anyways... I increase the Riptizonian's blood flow and produce more veins so they can think better. Also, I have them learn how to skin certain mammals(like mammoths, sorry armorboy) and shape it to be used for clothing, provided they wash it first. Then I try to make stone swords by have them sharpening too rocks together.

I also make land fish's heads bigger for more space for a brain, and make it taller by an average of lets say, 4 feet tall. Then I give them opposable thumbs! I increase the strength the of land fishes swimming by adding more fins, and I give some human-like teeth so they can chew plants, insects, and small mammals. Omnivore ftw!

The land fish are fish. I count them as the same. You increase the intelligence of both! Amorboy has only one kind of mammals in his civilization... Not all are sentient... Like the fish!

Oh my post didnt show. I give plants a brain-like organ located in the roots that have various functions. So the bigger their roots the more smarter they would be, so trees would be as smart as humans or smarter. I also give plants the ability to "see" in thermovision so they can "See" organic things and they have 360 degree vision because their "eyes" are located on the surface of their stems and leaves. I also give walking plants the ability to sprint.

Also, i make amphibians!(i can't believe everyone forgot about these)

The trees now have a "brain"! But the walking plants already have the ability to sprint. There are amphibians already.

How dare you leech my Land Serpents! No it's alright- it was Spore's interpretation.

No, the Sea Serpents shouldn't create fire in underwater pockets with the limited amount of air in those, but there is an alternative for such ocean dwellers- they could, instead, link underwater volcanoes. Of course they can't directly especially with such difficulty to even come near them, but they can vent some of the heated water near it toward their living quarters to create a natural jacuzzi or boiling pot where they can cook food with sea water... Or, it could be a more efficient way they can filter water. More ideas can be submitted by waterlinkedgirl.
Now, I need to have more tech seeing as most of it came from leeching and receiving technology from Razerules. Now, because of the Land Serpents resilient skin and basic metal(copper) armor, they can, to a certain degree, handle the extreme heat of volcanoes which they vent into furnaces to smelt iron. This method was the first and large scaled way of smelting iron. Fortunately, (I wiki'd)in places without volcanoes, the substitute would be bloomeries.

Well, if they have chimneys there is no limited amount of air. But yes, around volcanoes would be nice. There are some deep-sea life-forms living off the heat and minerals set free by "black smokers". You can smelt stuff with the help of volcanoes, but it would be hard to do it. furnaces are a much safer and easier way.

and oh i forgot cant ships go to australia ? well flying mammals can i send 20.000 mammals with flying mammals to there and i send 2000 flying mammals with little supply on eachs back so the mammals i send to australia make a new city named parsa and its under controll me and persia !

...No... Not even the flying mammals can fly over the ocean that far... And they cant carry heavy things like the intelligent mammals anyway...

sorry but i get ideas a lot ...

i make the mammals to mate much more and make more babies ...

i use explosives for mining and make little shelters so if they planted the bombs they jump in shelter and kaaabooom they will not get injured ...

and oh poor serphents i dont hate them and i dont want to enter a war cause my best ally is in it and i dont want to fight razerules ... so i try to send my much better boats and gather as much as sea srphents i can and help them to survive and i send docters to help and if they agree i gather as much as i can from them and gather them in my city and when they wanted they can leav the emperory for making their emperory again ... but i dont teach all my technology i teach them til lv 20 of technology to them if they came to my land ...

They already know how to protect themself from explosives without killing themselves! They arent at war. There is no reason for that. The sea serpents cannot learn so much info so quickly.

i get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

on a moar serious note i get my scientists to start researching the blast furnace.

You make a blast furnace ready to be used.

@Zyba, I agree with that, I even think it is a great idea, and I have a tiny temporarily solution for the Oxygen problem:In a very huge cave, there is a kind of soil that is suitable for some Salt-water flora(yes it does exist!) to generate a bit more Oxygen.

However, this will work only for places with sunlight, so I make islands with only on the top a big rock-shaped rock with a hole in it to let sunlight in and smoke out.

I have an idea for religion, and Their main gods will be:
1. Poseidon because of their habitat.
2. Oranos, the progenitor of Poseidon.
3. Odin, to pray for wisdom and power.
4. Njord, the Norse god of the sea.
5. Chloris, for praying so that there will be normal trees.
6. Heimdall, protector of the gods.
7. Apollo, for music and for the archers
8. Hermes, messenger for the gods and god of trade
9. Joringel, god of unions(NOT onions)and alliance
10.Jorinde, goddess of Walhalla.

This will be the main gods and the Sea Serpents will follow the system of Yggdrasil, the tree of lifes. The gods are a mixture of Norse an Greek gods exept for the last two, they originate from a fairytale named Jorinde and Joringel.

Okay. That might work but fire eats up more oxygen than plants can produce in a short time. The religion is okay too. Many Sea serpents move into the Serpent lands!

Ok, firstly, the serpents, which are like SNAKES, have no arms, so they wouldnt woeship a god of archery. Also, Aegis is the Nordic sea god.

My golems begin grinding up petals, fruit, etc, for paint

Your golems have now a source of paints.

Ill take azatac.


Actually Zyba...I will not fight you....I just wanted to make a small little startle at you

So Spore...I will not go to war...

But I contact Rim and Tell them that they need to go out of Africa or there will be problems...

Also In case this means war I make defences around my Citys and stuff.

Also Zyba I did not really want to attack...Well not yet...
But Can you just stop expanding to my Empire because if you go around my Empire I cannot then Expand!

For now I expand my Indian Empire a Bit so that they are a bit big...

Also I expand trough Africa a Bit more...

For technology:

I use herbs and stuff to make real Medicine which will cure ills and stuff better...

Also I once again try to find new uses for Gunpowder...Maybe for some Projectiles maybe

Also I make an ALPHABET which I didn't make before...

Even tough they know how to write and stuff I make an alphabet for schools to teach younglings about words and stuff..

Also I make Banks!
But the Banks are Mostly just for saving Money in Secure Places for now..

Also I try to find Marble and Have some talented artists use a Chisel and make a nice statue out of the Marble...

Also I teach the Doctors about Hollarazor Parts such as the Heart and stuff and have them Operate some Dead Hollarazors and have them learn about the weak spots and stuff...Hopefully having some Operations on heavily wounded or heavily Illed Hollarazors..

Also I try to Mix Metals and stuff Like Iron and some other Metal to gain maybe better and stronger metal...

Also I have my scientists to discover random stuff like pyhsichs or something without having me telling them to do so.

You are not at war! Well, Rim responds: "Ha! We laugh at your feeble threats!" All your colonies in India revolted... They dont accept foreigners to rule them... You make medicines. What projectiles do you have in mind? An alphabet is already here for a long time. With reading and writing the has to be an alphabet.

I have an idea for the use of your gunpowder. The first cannons! The first cannons are very heavy and were invented i the late medieval times. Cannons usually weighed about 1000 lbs because they were made out of purely iron, and the cannon balls themselves were about 12 pounds! First cannons ftw!

Yes, they were invented in late medieval times. These are early medieval times... No cannons yet.

My golems start to paint their dens for decoration and they start to use tools to get fruits and maybe flowers high up in trees. Also, they start to use the pits and large seeds (i.e., coconuts) from fruits and trees as something to carve into statues, etc. yes, I am evolving them kinda like the land serpents

Int. Increase!
1,373 posts

Sorry, I forgot the last page...

I just had a brain storm! I branch off from my Riptozonians and make, Riptizmos! They are about half the size of humans, kind of frail, but they make it up for their intelligence! They are basically cousins of Riptozonians and are widely protected by them because they give advice, diplomacy, solve many problems, and sometimes do their homework!

They would just take over... Even when weaker, with better mind powers they could just take over.

Alright, now we can send diplomats again which could have resolved your complaint if you wished for a border. Our diplomats come back and forth to heal the wound from your feinted war declaration and "share" some discoveries.

The Land Serpents begin making thin long iron(with the bloomery we could use steel?) blades and needles to be used for accurate punctures. For the artisan class, this a precise, yet hard tool used for making cuts and carvings that are cleaner and quicker for both rock and flesh. Yes, that would mean for the warrior class, this addition will make precise cuts and punctures at major organs and tendons. Of course, the study of anatomy of their own and others are further, if not completely, mastered.

Yes, you can use steel. You increase the tech level! (I will include that in the next reply.)

Another idea! Forgive me Spore if I'm throwing too much ideas at one time, but the Tigrex deserves a competitor. Tigrex I assume is in the cat family, so a Wolf from the dog family should be its nemesis! I call, a Wolfox! Wolfoxes are mutated and are big enough to be on par with the Tigrex in every way, except in a few aspects. Wolfoxes are slower than Tigrex in speed and reflexes, but Wolfoxes are more agressive and strong! This makes sure they are not clones of each other with different appearances!

Okay... I will include that in the next reply.

My golems get better and more specialised brains, with one lobe for sight, one for motor skills, etc.

*Points at the above reply*
6,257 posts

I make Riptozonian's immunity system stronger by injecting most of them with weakened versions of diseases, and make their organs more tough with a leathery cover. I also increase the memory and attention span of Riptozonians so they can learn better and not forget, and also show them what is good to eat and what is not, such as fruits and vegetables that are edible, and poisonous mushrooms that are bad.

Also, I give land fish the ability to sprint and have better eye coordination and hand coordination. I also give fish many vocal cords located in the chest so it can produce almost any sound, whether it is talking english or talking to dolphins.

6,257 posts

P.S. Spore, if there are amphibians, i don't see them in the &quotrogress to sentience" nor do I see any birds. If there is still not yet a creation of birds, then i create them. I would love to make birds and amphibians smart ;D

1,761 posts

I amass a mob of delta's to swarm small villages and slaughter them! Then take all of their stuff and flee back to the swamp! Then, i have them work day and night, only stopping to eat and sleep, on digging a huge hole! The hole will be in the middle of the swamp, and once it gets wide and deep enough, they will curve it and make a giant cavern!

44 posts

Wait, how did the deltas become sentient so quickly?! Oh, well... I increase my golems fine motor skills, brain capacity, and brain size. Then I have them observe the simpler mammal and hollarazor tribes so they can see their technology. Also, I have them understand the basic emotions. (fear, happiness, sadness, etc.)

44 posts

And you can start calling them the Kulatia. (coo-lay-shia) and when they develop a civilization, call it the Kulatian Tribal Alliance. Please?

3,426 posts

No you may not use my Tigrex. I increase the Tigrex's bulk till they grow as big as a fully grown bull elephant. I also strengthen their legs and grab a few cheetah cells to increase their speed. I then cause them to lose the pterosaur cells and replace them with tyrannosaur and raptor cells. I set them free all across Asia.

6,257 posts

I put some Rhino cells inside my Wolfox to be really strong, and as hardy as an ox. I also increase the smelling ability of the Wolfox so they can recgonize Tigrexes from miles and miles away. Also, I make Wolfoxes live in packs. Not regular wolf packs with 6 or so, but with 20 or more, creating a sort of "moving community". Also, I make Wolfoxes more mischievous and sly and to be able to sneak up on a Tigrex.

3,426 posts

I told you you can't connect to the Tigrex with your things.

6,257 posts

I don't. I just make a predator that can kill your tigrex. Thats all.

36 posts

With huge and thick sea ferns i create fences (alternative to wood) to mark out areas. I need an iron replacement, so i create a new element named Aquarellium, which can be found only around volcanic caves and is very dangerous to mine. Aquarellium hardens when in contact with water and clay-like when still crude.

I let the sea serpents plant sea ferns in the areas just under the caves to let them have more oxygen via the water.

3,426 posts

You can't link him to the Tigrex in any way. Not even hunting.

4,049 posts

I ask The Sea Serpent Empire for help to push Rim back where they were as they are a great threat right now...

While he Thinks about my Request I attack Rim at the Border..pushing them back....

If all goes well I send them another message saying "I Will say this one more time...Retreat from africa or feel Pain!"

I attack them with the Formation I said before...

Also I Message Andia and other Empires except Rim that I would like peace...

Also I Add Watch Towers around my Empire to alert me if any threat attacks..

Also I Add Cards and Games in my cities which will entertain my People..

Also When I add the games I add a Casino in which people can Gamble..

Also I Evolve Music a bit by adding more Instruments and then I start making some Music Bars and stuff.

Also I mine deeper and Deeper trying to find more valuable minerals and ores like DIAMOND!

Also I add Jewelry to my People which will make them more Pretty looking...Also To Increase trade and stuff.

Also I Try to make better boats...But I try to make some Iron ones if Possible...

Showing 721-735 of 837