This Kill The Pill Game is inspired by Destroy The Planet by SporeManiac.
The Objective here is to construct a MetroPolis. There are 2 Teams. Builders and Demolishers.
The Builders must Make the Big Metropolis while the Demolishers try and destroy it. Unlike DtP each side can win. There are also Rank Places.This is only for the Builders. Each Player must tell What will they Join. There are: -Military-Allowed to Attack and Defend from the Demolishers. -Economy-Allows to get resources and Money needed for Building the City. -Builders-Allowed To Make buildings but only with the resources. The Most Important is Economy.They Get resources for Military(Guns and stuff)and for Builders(Buildings).
Team Builder:
City Nameecide Name City Population:1000 City Health:1000/1000 ----------------------------------- Ranks: