1. Make your game 2. Create execuable 3. Save the file 4. Use This download 5. Drag saved exe. to blue area 6. When done with download, go to new game file, click properties, and check if its an swf. 7. Post your game!
Okay. First, I downloaded that file you linked to. Then, I downloaded and installed GameMaker 8.1, and loaded an example game. After this, I created an executable, and tested it to see if it was working. You'll be happy to know it worked perfectly.
The final step. Dragged exe to blue area. Swf created.
And it doesn't work. Blank canvas, nothing else. Guess what? You can publish a .exe from flash as well, BUT ONLY IF you have a .exe published by flash this can you extract the swf from that exe. Which means NO gamemaker exe whatsoever.
Not only have you revived a bunch of necro'd threads, some older than 2 years, for the sole reason of making an *** of yourself, the information you posted was also fundamentally wrong! Now I know for a fact you haven't checked anything you posted yourself. For this reason alone I'm about to report every single post you've made in these necro'd threads. You want GM so bad, then gtfo and go to yoyoGames's forum.
Since I just fixed my computer from a super virus this morning, and PixelSmash says it didn't work. I am highly paranoid that it is a scam and it contains the super virus will destroy my computer once again. o_0
PixelSamsh, your saved swf file is going to be saved somewhere else, its not the same file you dragged in the blue area. And I forgot to mention, your exe. will be saved as an application. Drag THAT in there, exit, and go to the same document your app was, new file should pop up, SWF!
acmed, if it really works as you say, I think you should upload a game that you've made ââwith game maker(exe), convert it to flash(swf) and upload it on a website or something similar.
As far as I've tested, no, it doesn't work. acmed even posted to my profile saying something like 'you did something wrong, don't blame me' - except I didn't. I know my way around a computer, and I can definately see and know the difference between swf and exe, for one because I've set windows to always show the file extension. The swf I tested was just a blank screen, nothing more.
Couldn't you just hit 'save as' and then make it into a swf? I mean it probably doesn't work, thinking that most people probably have tried that already. But you could probably get your game featured on yoyo games, or get someone that is a real game creator to make it a flash game. Like does anyone else remember Karoshi? that game that was made with game maker then was put onto all the game sites? Yeah, I sure do. And remember that worm game where you eat cows and people and stuff? That was changed COMPLETELY and has two versions now. One is effing worms, and the other is death worm.
GameMaker program is epic, you can do a lot and the very first games started with such a program:P Even though it's an easy program to use it doesn't mean that it have all abilities like other programs like maya:P anyways next year I will be studying for gamedesigner ^-^ Maybe I will publish some of my creations on this website