ForumsGame WalkthroughsReporting People In Colony

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Im going to make a simple guide to teach people how to report people in colony. if everyone knew how and wanted to we can easily get rid of hackers.

When you're in the game click on the print screen button:
after that, go to paint and &quotaste". you can do this by pressing ctrl+V. once it it pasted, save the picture. Then go to a picture sharing website. i use photobucket but you can use whatever you want. upload the picture that you saved and then go to wherever the website stores the picture. in photobucket you can just click 'continue to album'. Once there, copy the DIRECT LINK and then go to armorgames. click on image and paste the direct link and then everyone sees them.

if you are going to report them, try to make sure u show who made those units based on what color their words are and then you have some solid evidence of a hacker/cheater.

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