Forums → Game Walkthroughs → Bowja the Ninja Walkthrough
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Well, this game is extremely easy, but some people complain about it being difficult. I'm here to put up a simple, to the point walkthrough. My future walkthroughd for more difficult and lengthier games will be much more elaborate, but this game is a bit too simple for a GOOD walkthrough. Without further adue, here is the walkthrough.
Ok, your boat has just arrived, and you should be inspecting the area thoroughly. Make sure you see all of the things you need to click, and where they are. The first thing you must do is find a small, stick-like item on top of the roof of the house on the dock(what a mouthful ;D). Click the top circular part. The wire should fall, cutting the power. Your first enemy goes inside to investigate. Now click on your boat to move onto the dock. Once there, click on the crate behind you. After pushing it to the house, click on the thatched roof we spoke of. Ok, you're on, and are in range of the beehive on the cliff. See it? Click on it. This sends your second enemy running to the house. Now just click on the chest to recieve a grappling hook. Then click on the dark cliffs, one by one, to reach the top.
Keep Going
Ah, past the first scene. But no time to celebrate. Click on the lantern sitting on top of the deck to send it crashing to the floor. An enemy should approach. Quickly shoot him in his ugly face(OWNED ;D) and he should trigger a switch in his defeat. Now, click on the small platform you are standing upon, and arise to the deck. Now, shoot the generator on the other side of the screen, until the arrow is on the last part of the yellow(three times) and then press the lever in front of you. And finally, press the small command pad on the new elevator thing. Done!
Boulder of Doom!
Right down to business. See the giant wheel? See the triangle holding it in place? You know what to do. (Just in case, shoot the triangle, then the wheel, killing the enemy). Now, with him gone, go to the machine next to the stacked crates. Before you try this, look at the top part of the structure on the left. See "R V"? V= 5. Thats the code for the machine, R5. Then click the lever, and operate your machine out onto the wire.
OH NO! A copter! Too easy. Shoot the tail rotator when you're not being attacked, BOOM. You win. ;D
Darn it! You crashed into the water. Don't panic though, this is simple. There will be a strange, ovular shape sticking up on the hill that leads to the surface, retrieve it buy clicking on it. Then, once back to your air bubble. Click the copter that blocks your path to freedom. Simply swim out, and your done.
Ok, dont panic, there is an order to go through these. So dont go through any yet. See the roman numerals? Thats the order you need to go through the doors in to reach freedom. 314975. Wala!
This is actually easy. As the big Gi8000 comes in, dont shoot it. Seek out the dark square-on-a-stick thing thats on top of the staircase. Click when you're not under fire. He's done. PxWxNxAxGxE!
Click the lever on top of the staircase, it should open the ceiling.
Now, just click the helicopter, and your ninja flies away unharmed.
GOOD JOB! You beat the game! Time to celebrate! Now that you've done that, claim your reward! Glad you read my walkthrough, please leave me feedback!