OKay, second forum game I'm making, all-time. The setting: 2330 A.D. The plot: A conspiracy to undermine the Chyrithian Empire. The characters: A small band of Confederates. The Story: IN the year 2217, a large alien vessel touched down in a small village in central Africa. As the villagers approached cautiously, a hatch opened, and a figure fell from the ship. The curious villagers approached the body, which was to this point motionless. One villager, bolder than the rest, proded the thing, which seemed to be covered in metal. As a result, the figure got up, and proceeded to tear the villager limg from limb. A BBC filming crew was broadcasting live a show about the Emerald Bird of Paradise, when they heard screaming. They quickly dropped what they were doing, and headed in the direction of the racket. By the time they arived, one of the village hunters had brought his rifle to the scene, and proceeded to empty it at the alien. Several of the filming crew had firearms, for protection against rebels, and followed his lead. It didn't go well. About ten years later, several more ships landed, and conquered Africa, and most of the middle east. By 2330, they owned over ninety-five percent of Earth, with the exception of antarctica, and Hawaii. These were lone outposts of humanity, where a growing rebel force develpoped in its early stages. This is where YOU come in. Classes and specs, from most common to least:
Trooper: M-94 Assault rifle, Magnum H-4, Combat knife, and a high-explosion grenade.
Gunner: HMG-34 heavy machine gun, Magnum H-4, Combat knife, and two FG-20 grenades.
Sniper: Duel-fire 30mm heavy rifle, Magnum H-4b Special, and a Combat knife.
Trenchrunner: RPG Fly-63 rocket launcher, Sawn-off shotgun, Magnum H-5 H.E.V.I. pistol, Four Demolition grenades, and an ElectroBlade.
The starting mission will be to eliminate an Aryx, the "Alien" mentioned in the intro. Other missions will vary depending on how you did on the previous mission(s). So pick your class, lock'n'load, and don't get shot!
A few hours pass, and your first mission starts! Our story takes us to the breifing room, where you and your assigned team will get their mission updates.
(No interaction required for a bit ) Here's the mission: You will be deployed to hawaii, where you will run the trenches on the beach, keeping the enemy invasion force off. When you kill a Anyx, your mission will be completed, and you will move onto the next one. we launch when you are ready.
"ready for the mission. BTW i dont really try target practice with anything that has a high fire-rate because people dont even really need to aim with them."
Alright. -Pauses Raze- A few gallons of plasma, a couple engines, and a few hours later, the team is in a trench on the beaches hawaii. The team consists of a Trenchrunner, a Gunner, and two troopers. An Aryx is appraoching, what do you do? (I control A.I.)
@ubica, you're on the battlefield.... @spartandestroyer, the Aryx raises its arm, and a Hypergun comes out. It's like a minigun.... It proceeds to shoot and kill your men, what do you do?
It responds by shooting your legs off. Hitting an Aryx is useless. Plasma shielding is almost invulnurable to melee attacks. You are NOT equipped with a minigun, you are equipped with a heavy machinegun. I will not add on to the storyline until you and your partner have defeated this Aryx.