ForumsGame Walkthroughs[necro] Doodle God 2 ~ Complete Element List

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Doodle God 2 Element List

Some elements can be created using a variety of combinations. Only one is shown here.
Some elements can only be made once youâve progressed to the third episode. If you try a combination and it doesnât work, make a note and try again once youâve completed 140 elements. If you spot any errors please let me know.

01. Absinthe = Grass + Vodka
02. Air = Given At Start Of Game
03. Airplane = Air + Car
04. Alcohol = Fire + Water
05. Alcoholic = Human + Beer
06. Alien = Life+ Void
07. Ant = Work + Beetle
08. Antibiotics = Medicine + Bacteria
09. Apple = Tree + Flower
10. Ash = Fire + Dust
11. Assassin = Human + Poisoned Weapon
12. Astronaut = Human + Rocket
13. B-52 = Coffee + Vodka
14. Bacteria = Life + Swamp
15. Bank = Money + Skyscraper
16. Beast = Lizard + Earth
17. Beer = Wheat + Alcohol
18. Beetle = Earth + Worm
19. Bird = Egg + Air
20. Blood = Human + Dinosaur
21. Boat = Wood + Water
22. Boiler = Metal + Steam
23. Book = Paper + Feather
24. Bread = Fire + Dough
25. Bricks = Clay + Fire
26. Butterfly = Air + Worm
27. Car = Oil + Cart
28. Cart = Wood + Wheel
29. Cat = Beast + House
30. Caviar = Egg + Fish
31. CD = Book + Laser
32. Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
33. Cement = Clay + Limestone
34. Censored = Grass + Paper
35. Ceramics = Clay + Human
36. Chariot = Beast + Cart
37. Cheese = Milk + Bacteria
38. Cigarette = Paper + Tobacco
39. Clay = Sand + Swamp
40. Clock = Sand + Glass
41. Clothes = Human + Fabric
42. Coal = Fire + Wood
43. Coffee = Energy + Seeds
44. Commandments = Given Once 139 Elements Have Been Discovered
45. Computer = Book + TV
46. Concrete = Cement + Water
47. Cookies = Sugar + Bread
48. Corpse = Poison + Human
49. Credit Card = Debt + Money
50. Cyborg = Human + Computer
51. Death Metal = Electricity + Corpse
52. Debt = Money + Bank
53. Demigod = Energy + Wizard
54. Dinosaur = Egg + Earth
55. Dog = Beast + House
56. Dolphin = Beast + Fish
57. Domestic Animal = Beast + Human
58. Dough = Flour + Water
59. Dragon = Air + Dinosaur
60. Dust = Air + Earth
61. Earth = Given At Start Of Game
62. Egg = Life + Stone
63. Electricity = Energy + Metal
64. Energy = Fire + Oil
65. Fabric = Wool + Tools
66. Feather = Bird + Hunter
67. Fern = Moss + Swamp
68. Fertilizer = Domestic Animal + Grass
69. Field = Earth + Tools
70. Fire = Given At Start Of Game
71. Firearm = Weapon + Gun Powder
72. Fish = Snake + Water
73. Flour = Stone + Wheat
74. Flower = Sun + Grass
75. Freezer = Ice + Mechanism
76. Frigate = Fabric + Ship
77. Fun = Sex + Human
78. Games = Fun + Law
79. Ghost = Life + Ash
80. Ghoul = Corpse + Zombie
81. Glass = Fire + Sand
82. Gold = Philosopherâs Stone + Metal
83. Golem = Life + Clay
84. Grass = Earth + Moss
85. Gun Powder = Sulfur + Saltpetre
86. Hacker = Computer + Virus
87. Hangover = Beer + Vodka
88. Hero = Dragon + Warrior
89. House = Bricks+ Concrete
90. Human = Life + Beast
91. Hunter = Human + Weapon
92. Hut = Stone + Human
93. Ice = Glass + Water
94. Ice Cream = Milk + Ice
95. Internet = Computer+ Computer
96. Journalist = Human + Typewriter
97. Knowledge = Book + Human
98. Laser = Radiowave + Fire
99. Lava = Fire + Earth
100. Law = Human + Religion
101. Life = Energy + Swamp
102. Lightbulb = Void + Glass
103. Limestone = Stone + Shell
104. Lizard = Egg + Swamp
105. Locomotive = Steam Engine + Cart
106. Meat = Beast + Hunter
107. Mechanism = Tools + Law
108. Medicine = Knowledge + Virus
109. Metal = Fire + Stone
110. Milk = Domestic Animal + Grass
111. Molotov Cocktail = Fire + Vodka
112. Money = Gold + Paper
113. Moss = Weeds + Swamp
114. Mushroom = Earth + Weeds
115. Music = Reed + Human
116. Nuclear Bomb = Plutonium + Weapon
117. Octopus = Fish + Knowledge
118. Oil = Coal + Water
119. Palmtree = Sand + Tree
120. Paper = Reed + Tools
121. Philosopher's Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver
122. Phoenix = Fire + Bird
123. Pie = Apple + Dough
124. Pirate = Alcoholic + Ship
125. Plankton = Bacteria + Water
126. Plasma = Energy + Fire
127. Plutonium = Radiation + Metal
128. Poison = Snake + Tools
129. Poisoned Weapon = Poison + Weapon
130. Policeman = Soldier + Law
131. Quick Silver = Metal + Water
132. Radiation = Radio Wave + Radio Wave
133. Radio Wave = Electricity + Void
134. Rat = Beast + Medicine
135. Reed = Grass + Swamp
136. Religion = Human + Commandments
137. Rocket = Void + Airplane
138. Rock-n-Roll = Music + Alcohol
139. Rum = Pirate + Vodka
140. Russian Roulette = Firearm + Vodka
141. Salt = Sun + Sea
142. Saltpetre = Fertilizer + Limestone
143. Sand = Air + Stone
144. Satellite = Void + Rocket
145. Scientist = Human + Knowledge
146. Scorpion = Sand + Beetle
147. Sea = Water + Water
148. Seeds = Life + Sand
149. Sex = Human + Human
150. Shell = Stone + Plankton
151. Ship = Wood + Boat
152. Sin = Human + Religion
153. Sky Scraper = Glass + House
154. Snake = Worm + Swamp
155. Soldier = Warrior + Firearm
156. Steak = Fire + Meat
157. Steam = Air + Water
158. Steam Engine = Coal + Boiler
159. Steam Ship = Steam Engine + Ship
160. Stone = Air + Lava
161. Storm = Energy + Air
162. Sugar = Field + Sugar
163. Sulfur = Bacteria + Swamp
164. Sun = Void + Plasma
165. Sunflower = Sun + Flower
166. Swamp = Earth + Water
167. Tavern = Hut + Vodka
168. Tequila = Worm + Vodka
169. Thunder Bird = Storm + Bird
170. Tobacco = Fire + Grass
171. Tools = Metal + Human
172. Treant = Life + Tree
173. Tree = Seeds + Earth
174. Turtle = Egg + Sand
175. TV = Radio Wave + Light Bulb
176. Typewriter = Book + Mechanism
177. UFO = Rocket + Alien
178. Vampire = Blood + Human
179. Virus = Human + Bacteria
180. Vodka = Water + Alcohol
181. Void = Given Once 99 Elements Have Been Discovered
182. Warrior = Hunter + Weapon
183. Water = Given At Start Of Game
184. Weapon = Metal + Tools
185. Weeds = Life + Water
186. Werewolf = Beast + Vampire
187. Whale = Beast + Water
188. Wheat = Seeds + Field
189. Wheel = Wood + Tools
190. White Russian = Milk + Vodka
191. Wizard = Energy + Human
192. Wood = Tree + Tools
193. Wool = Domestic Animal + Human
194. Work = Human + Money
195. Worm = Bacteria + Swamp
196. Zombie = Life + Corpse

  • 101 Replies
1 posts

1-grass and alcohol

2 posts

alot dont work

2 posts

alot of these doesnt work for me

1 posts

[b]you need to get the comandments to build every thing else

1 posts

Absinthe is grass and alcohol, not grass and vodka.

1 posts

Never got the sky scraper, but discovered some flaws where the combination instead should have been:

01. Absinthe = Grass + alcohol

15. Bank = Money + mechanism

34. Censored = vodka + sex

1 posts

sugar + field = sugar? wtf? how do u get sugar?

1 posts

Absinthe is grass and alcohol not grass and vodka

1 posts

Alien doesn't work 4 me

1 posts

absinthe = Alcohol + grass (Correct)
absinthe = vodka + grass (Wrong).

Showing 91-100 of 101