After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
i join you while eating acornds and hoping there could be a three person alliance. yes i spelled acornds wrong on purpose, acornds are cooler that way.
i say 'cool!' and politely inqure if you have any tutle knives, specially crafted out of acornds. i could do it, but they would be strangely shaped. i don't have hands, you know. we should have an alliance name.
I protect myself from the paper clip with an earth wall, then just because, i make the earth around the treehouse cut off from the rest so it's like an island up in the air.
a turtle knife is a small knife made out of an acornd. specially shapeed for a squirels paw, so i can vicoulsy attack things. i start shaping the knife, but i still need someone to sharpen it. ?? [treehouse]