Story:"Razor you in position?""Affirmative""Good-Incoming!We need-"*Explosion*"Chopper do you read me?Answer me!"The soldiers went to see what was wrong and then there blood was spilled..You are fighting a desparate war in the Dry Deserts of Jerusalim. Name: Age: ClassLook below) Morale:100/100 Status:Healthy Gear/WeaponsIll put once you pick class) SideJerusalim or America)
Morale:If your morale reaches 0 you will surrender and probaly get shot,When it reaches 50 you will fight less effectively and normally fail miserably at most combat related actions. Status:Healthy-You have no wounds whatsoever. Confused-You have either been flashed by a flashbang or the enemy are using diversions,or your illusinating. Wounded-You have been injured,Only minor injurys such as bullet to leg,knife to arm,fell from high height and hurt legs. Bleeding Out-You been injured so much that your blood is streaming out of your body,Sniper to chest,shotgun to legs,Grenade to legs or legs run over. Deceased-Basicly,Dead..