a small seed grows into a gigantic tree the size of the moon and becomes a place to live in. add places that do certain tasks to help the tree fuction (creativity counts)
i add SeaBranch (provides water to 3 root realms still to come) functionality:n/a
The people of sea branch thank the gods for light. Seabranchopulation:1590 resources:%98 (sun helps crops) specialty:%99.9 water %0.1 elano
the people of Seabranch set catapults at a part of the trunk where it is hollow,and where a lake of elano is foretold to rest the hole bursts open letting elano flow into a manmade ditch, making the pond of life (+ %10 elano)
u can decide to send food to other realms when needed,or not to. u can arrange ur population into guards,farmers,or priests. u can also plan attacks if needed (P.S, fuctionality now is 100,and to attack u need to have %60 or less in order to attack)
elano is very,very rare. now it only is in seabranch,and rarely distributed it can heal any wound,tastes as sweet as honey, and is very powerful. if u are strong enough u can make into crystal, able to heal or make anything. evil realms can corrupt crystal into vengelano,doing the opposite of elano crystal