Russians cut the head off of a dog and hooked it up to a battery and artificial heart to keep it alive. They had a living, decapitated dog's head just lying there trying to bark silently and eating. They've also cut two monkey's heads off and switched them before reviving them. They've also chopped a small dog in half and grafted it onto a big dog's back. The list just keeps going.
Your examples are of animal testing...
Unit 731 did these things to
humans. Living people; Korean and Chinese civilians who had been kidnapped, American POWs, etc. Not only were these civilians unfairly rounded up by the Kempetai , they often included infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Keep that in mind.
-Intentionally infected with multitudes of diseases(syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDs, the bubonic plague, pneumonia, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis, tularemia, the list goes on and on) and left them untreated just to study the effects.
-Vivisection without any painkiller or anesthesia.
-Amputated limbs then let the wound get infected.
-Organs removed, sometimes attached to other organs(i.e. stomach removed and reattached to esophagus)...keep in mind, all of this is while the person is still alive and conscious.
-Tested weapons like flamethrowers, grenades at close range, chemical weapons, gases(nerve gas, mustard gas, etc.), biological weapons, etc.
-Injected air into the lungs to see how long it would take for them to die.
-Injected animal urine into the kidneys to test the effect.
-Hung upside down until they died.
-Deprived of food, water, and sleep to the point of death/insanity/etc.
-Spun in centrifuges until dead.
-Burned alive.
-Exposed to the elements until frozen to death.
-Buried alive.
-Injected saline into the bloodstream.
So...let me just sum up by saying
Japan has had some seriously ****ed up doctors.