[::ESCRIPTION:::] Have you ever want to be a Genie? A corrupted one? Well this is your spot! Corrupt a wish when someone wishes one. Don't double post here because it is really useless brah.
[::::] "'No wishing uncorruptable wishes. "'No bad words/flaming and profanity. "'No double wish corrupting in one post. "'No double wishing in one post.
[:::HOW TO PLAY:::] Wish for something that you ever wanted/needed. Wait for someone to corrupt it. You can only post your wish or corruption once you waited for 3 posts.
[>"EXAMPLE"<] PERSON 1: I wish for a sword. PERSON 2: [QUOTE!!!!] I wish for a sword [QUOTE!!!!] You have the sword but it was too heavy. You fell with it and accidentally stabbed yourself on the head. I wish for an elephant.
... And so on and so forth.
WISH NOW! CORRUPT NOW! WISHRUPT NOW! AND HAVE FUN KILLJOY TIME! ||-|| Corrupt-A-Wish Foundation v2 will be out when AGv3 is open!