'If you are reading this, then the tracker bugs have been activated, and are tracking you and your fellow allies down as you look upon these typed words.
You have fought long and hard to get here, and you will have to fight long and hard to get out. I can only tell you where to go from here, and know what to do then. You most likely know what has already happened, but for those who joined along the way, let them look at this part.
Around twenty years ago, the World Wide Web was attacked and shut down by a major hacker organization. It was down for a week, and by the time it was back on, most secure places protected by websites had been ransacked and annihilated. Then, a large army of cultists calling themselves Debuggers started shooting people with these weird guns. They would die an hour later, and turn into fading pixels. I learned their purpose for this: They plan on bringing Pixel-Satan ((Sorry I couldn't think of a better name...)) and bringing the destruction of Earth. To stop this, you must find the four major Cultist HQ locations and destroy the cultists inside.
Normally, this would be impossible, but you are special. You have been granted the gift to integrate yourself into any program.
Save the world; follow your destiny.
Now, I must go. I can hear them planting the charges downstairs, in an attempt to kill me. I'm glad I'm sending this to you, or else you wouldn't be able to know.
Good luck.'
[Sheet in next post, leave comments if you wish...sorry it's so long and possibly crappy. I'm on a sugar rush and also trying to watch Minecraft vids at the same time...8|]